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RE: After a weekend off for traveling with the family, it’s always great to enjoy a cup of warm coffee at home.

That is so true and it happens here as well in South Africa where all of our top quality fruit goes to the UK, we get the second tier quality stuff. Kinda backwards isn't it.

We get some Kenyan coffee here and it's damn awesome is what it is! A few years ago I found a shop in Robertson that roasts their own blends from all over the world and I bought four different types for my mom who loved coffee even more than I do. The place seems to do something similar described Dabov does.

I would love to have and promote my own coffee brand but I'd probably drink most of it before it sells 🤣


I am thinking the same too. I want to own some place and make a business with coffee. Maybe some cozy cafè where you can enjoy a nice cup of specialty coffee. Right now there isn’t such a place in my town. Well, the risk of drinking most of the coffee myself is real! 😁