
I honestly thought that I was the only one who didn't know about this exotic pairing. In my mind, every one else was having coffee rub parties and had not invited me. I'm thrilled I'm not the only one who didn't know about this spicy and energetic delicacy. 😊

Two of the rubs (The World's Hottest and the Original) are recommended for fish, but I don't see why you couldn't use all four on the slippery fellows. The more the merrier.

Can you order them online?

Right here:

Not associated with them, just a happy customer and so on :)

I checked it out, do they ship in Europe? At FAQ they mention only North America

Europe! Not sure if they deliver. If they do, they might have high delivery fees. You could experiment at home with your own creations. The secret ingredient is coffee after all. ☕

Yup , I will definetely try!