The Coffee Shop Scene

Perez had just arrived at one of the most expensive universities in the city, since his parents were transferred there for work and it would bring benefits to the whole family, so he had no choice but to start his last year of study there. This young man was very excited to meet new people, to be able to get an athletic scholarship that he wanted so much and of course to be liked by all his classmates. Perez was a young man who liked to drink a lot of coffee, so every day before going to the university he prepared and took his thermos with him, it was something inevitable, it was a way to feel more active all day. It was something he inherited from his parents.

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When he arrived at this new university he was impressed by how big it was, modern, luxurious sports courts and immense green areas where he could see people talking in groups, Perez was very excited and continued his tour of the university, this would be a great adventure. When he arrived at the classroom where he had classes, everyone stared at him because he was a little different from the others, in the sense of being muscular, tall, athletic, he stood out in the group, a young man who had the ideal conditions to play soccer. That day he spent his whole morning alone without knowing anyone, sitting, listening to the classes, waiting for them to end so he could go home. But something that caught his attention was to see that many young people were also carrying their thermoses of coffee. 3.png

After a week he was able to get to know the entire university, something that had been a little complicated for him because of its size and the number of corridors it had. But the most exciting thing was that he was able to find on the top floor of the university a very modern cafeteria, with a space full of tables, televisions and of course with the best coffee bars offering different types of coffee. Perez was very happy, since he had found his favorite place, so he went inside and approached the bar where the menu was, but he did not understand what it said, some names and combinations that he had never seen before. So Perez went to one of the waiters for help, but no one paid attention to him, so he left and was left with the desire to have a coffee.

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Several weeks had passed since that event, Perez already knew and had several friends, besides he had managed to get into the soccer team because of his physical conditions. He was very happy to have achieved many of his goals, but it was still very difficult for him to try one of the coffees offered by the cafeteria.

One day he approached the cafeteria again, but it was full of students from different years, so he had to form a queue, he had to be in the last place, he had about 20 people ahead of him to be served, as they were rolling Perez still did not know which one to order, there were so many that he did not know which one to choose, So he had no choice but to turn around to ask for help, to his surprise the one behind him was a young girl who belonged to the cheerleading team, very pretty, he immediately caught her gaze, but in reality the only thing he wanted was for her to help him choose a coffee. After they both saw each other's faces they smiled, the girl decided to offer him a coffee that contained ice cream, it was a milkshake but with a coffee base.

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The next morning Perez had to go to train in the field, he was very happy, since he met again with the young woman, who had offered him and supported him to choose that delicious coffee, which was very tasty and it was the first time he tasted it. Both began to see each other at training sessions, to get to know each other and talk a little more. At the end of each training session they would go and sit in the cafeteria to taste that coffee milkshake, they would spend hours and hours of conversation. 3.png

Perez, was beginning to feel something for that girl, he could not stop thinking about her, to take his eyes off her and waited for her every day at the end of training, so several weeks passed until she had to leave the country, leaving this young man alone and in love, he could not believe it and was sadder because soon they had to travel to represent the university in a championship.

Perez could not stop crying, however, he had to continue with his life, with training and try to forget her. His sadness was so great that he could not visit the cafeteria for a few days, it was the favorite place for both of them, because the memory of the girl came to him when they crossed glances in that line. Besides, during their short relationship they lived unforgettable, happy moments and with her he was able to know one of the most sold and prepared coffees in the university, now he only had the memory, he will not get lost anymore and he will know which coffee to choose when he decides to go to the cafeteria alone.

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Perez, since he met and tasted this coffee-based milkshake, immediately told his family why they prepare it at home and so everyone could enjoy this delicious coffee-based drink, it was the best for him and thanks to it he was able to meet the love of his life. The reflection that I share with you is how a simple drink like coffee can unite people, families, friends and even find the right love that comes at the unexpected moment. So friends, having a delicious coffee with someone special is the best. Don't miss the opportunity to do it. 3.png

I hope you liked this little story, this was my participation. 3.png



One of the places where we feel relaxed and can meet other people is in a coffee shop. With a coffee a lot of romances are started and many Confessions have been made. Delighted with your story and the final lesson.

Thanks friend, greetings.

Muy hermosa tu historia amigo
@davidpena21 te felicito

Thanks friend, greetings.

 2 years ago  

Hello @davidpena21

Are still struggling with your edits?
I suggest that you review and restructure sentences to lessen the word count. It's important for the contest and for creative writing in general.

Hello friend, I am really sorry that I got carried away with the story and did not pay attention to the number of words.

More or less how much would be indicated, to make it pleasant and according to the contest?, and sorry for the inconvenience.

It won't happen in the next contest. Greetings.

 2 years ago  

It's written all over the post including the gifs. 1000 words max or less at the top of the screen. Judges will not ask anyone to edit. It will be disqualified in the future.

ok, thank you very much, greetings.

 2 years ago  

Falling in love over a coffee milkshake - I could see that happening lol


It may be everything is possible in this life, they were also in college.

Certainly coffee unites the most unforgettable loves, very good story brother congratulations :D

Thanks friend, a story that we can see in real life, greetings.

Hola amigo @davidpena21, es muy bonita la historia que nos compartes tomando como referencia esta bebida tan especial como lo es el café, comparto tus perspectivas de los diferentes momentos especiales que podemos compartir mediante esta rica bebida.
