Getting to know a nice coffee shop

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Getting to know a nice coffee shop.jpg

Coffee is magical for me because just by pronouncing its name, its aroma reaches me in my mind, since it is a unique and unmistakable aroma. Truly coffee is one of the best drinks and its smell anticipates its taste, but today I want to tell you that days ago I went out with my sisters and niece to know a new coffee shop that is very fashionable in my city Cumaná, since I heard that here in this place they sell a delicious coffee and that the atmosphere is very nice and that it is suitable for meetings, so I was crazy to know this place.


So we went to know this place known as Café and restaurants Don Jesus, I tell you that when I arrived I was impressed by the strong orange color of the decoration of the place made me feel cheerful and best of all that in this place you can enjoy 2 environments, one upstairs and one downstairs, but we decided to go to the upstairs because it felt more intimate and quiet; also from there you can see a panorama of the city very nice.

cafe4.jpgcafe5.jpgCafeteria on the first floor
cafe2.jpgcafe3.jpgCafeteria upstairs

I tell you friends of coffee, that this time it occurred to me to order a different coffee and leave the one I always order which is the mocachino, so I ordered a Doppio Machiatto, suggested by a friend, it is the first time I order it, but I asked what was in the preparation, this is a type of coffee that would be like an espresso and a little milk is added to reduce the bitterness a little, so I dared to order it and try it.




Friends I had a big surprise when I ordered this coffee because it did not meet my expectations, this coffee was so bitter that I could not enjoy it, when I took a sip I wondered why this coffee is so bitter, my palate can not enjoy it, I wanted to ask what brand of coffee it was, but I was quiet and all the conversation of us was about this coffee because I wanted to discover the brand, in particular I did not like the taste of coffee, I wanted to try it to get out of the same routine, but well. I'll keep my mocachino.


I can tell you that this coffee shop is very nice and with a cozy atmosphere, also I see it very nice and something important that lends itself to a work meeting, a sharing among friends, the prices are not so high, but this coffee really was not to my taste, my sisters and my niece if they enjoyed what they had ordered, but I really did not like this coffee.



Contenido, fotografías, foto de portada editada con la aplicación Canva, separadores de mi autoría.// Content, photographs, cover photo edited with the Canva application, dividers of my authorship.@daysiselena*

Traducido con DeepL//Translated with DeepL



The place looks very nice, it's a pity that the coffee was not good. Better not to change

Yes, my friend, next time I ask for the mocachino. Thanks for your visit. Best regards.

 4 months ago  

Orange is my favourite colour and I think it's ideal for a coffee shop decor because it's a warm colour.
Sorry you did not like your coffee selection, but maybe you'll return and go back to the coffee that you're used to:)

Yes my friend, orange is a nice color and attracts a lot of attention, I loved the place. Thanks for your visit.Greetings

 4 months ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Hi, I love coffee, I would love to visit that coffee shop. Regards

How nice... I recommend it. Regards

Too bad you couldn't enjoy your coffee, my beautiful friend. And where is the place?

Yes, my friend, too bad I couldn't enjoy the coffee. It is located on Gran Mariscal Avenue, near the San Rafael pharmacy.

Amiga that coffee is to raise a dead man hahaha. I couldn't tolerate it either, it's super bitter, very strong, more than normal. I also had the same impression as you and I told myself to stick with my favorite, the mocaccino. Greetings, we learn from our experiences

Yes, my friend, too bitter. Thanks for your visit. My regards.

The place is very nice, too bad you didn't like the coffee. It's always good to live a new experience, get out of the routine and get to know a different place.

The best thing is always to have a space for yourself.

That's the way it is, my friend, the best of all was to live this experience since I had been wanting to know this place for a long time. Thanks for your visit. Greetings.