My Two Loves [#STB Coffee Prompt Week 70]


I have two cups for drinking coffee. Both are my favorites. One is dark blue, a color that fascinates me because I find it elegant, and formal. The other is white like the purity of my soul and was given to me by a dear friend more than 20 years ago when she was my Progress instructor in a data management and programming language.

I use the white mug for special moments or when I am extremely cheerful. The dark mug is for everyday use, I always have it at hand. Maybe the white one is a very special gift, so I keep it more carefully, avoiding it being broken or because I think it has a lot of value, so it can be stolen. The blue one is the warrior, the one that accompanies me in the mornings to read the world news, the one that is there just when I write some content for HIVE when I am at my different tasks.


Those cups are only used by me. If any person dares to touch them, GERMAN's demoniac emerges from me and what follows is not good at all. Only coffee is served in the cups. No spirits or alcoholic beverages, not even water; just coffee.

They look a lot like my little pot for heating coffee water. They are special, unique, and meant for my favorite beverage. As I said before, the white cup has been with me for more than 20 years, the blue one appeared four years ago and since we met it was love at first sip.

Many have attacked me for this particularity of mine with coffee cups. They think I'm crazy or that being young I'm behaving like an old person. I don't think so, I think it is an attitude of love, of belonging, of valuing what is mine. Somehow that's how I am with my children; extremely jealous.

So if you see my cups alone, it's best to keep walking away, no one messes with my coffee-filled loves.


All rights reserved. © Copyright 2024 Germán Andrade G.

The original content was written for:
#STB Coffee Prompt Week 70 by @cinnccf.

All the images are my property and were edited using CANVA.

I am responsible for sharing with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the translator Deepl to translate my original Spanish content into English. I also state that I have used the grammar-checking tool Grammarly.

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hahahahahaha I don't doubt it my friend. No confusion with those two cups, the white and the blue. Fear my friend if you dare to take your cups even by mistake hahahahaha. That's ok, everyone has their own tastes and yours as always are very much your own. As always, I love reading you, greetings from my little corner!

Oh, I have been visited by her mercy @brujita18, the most charming little witch of the Web 3 and its surroundings.
Thank you my wonderful friend for your visit and wonderful comment.
Love from this corner to that corner.

 2 months ago  

I like the way the colours have some significance to you, and the reasons are intriguing too:)
If I can't go outside better remain happy instead, eh-4.jpg

Thank you very much for your kind comment and for allowing me to participate in the community initiative.
Greetings from Caracas.

 2 months ago  

You're very welcome:)

Oh, I understand you perfectly; my husband doesn't dare serve anyone in my favorite cups; he fears the witch in me, hehe. I love that you mention the emotional value that can make us like one cup more than the others and, I guess, this can also make the coffee taste better 🙂

Hi, Marlyn (@marlyncabrera).
How I laughed about the witch in you. It must be scary.
Amiga, I tell you that when I drink coffee in cups that are not mine, the taste is not the same and if I have to make it in the street, I ask for espresso and to be served in a tall glass cup. Old man stuff.
May the universe save us from the witch in you and may your husband continue to make sure no one touches the cups.
Thank you for your visit and that wonderful comment.

That coffee mug is quite the personal heirloom and I understand why you keep it so fondly.
With your story you show that you are very authoritarian with your belongings.
I didn't know about this initiative, it would be interesting to participate.
Greetings @germanandradeg

Hi Miladis (@sidalim88).
What a pleasure to see you visiting and what a nice comment. I cordially invite you to participate, there are still chances, there are 20 hours left before its expiration; take advantage of it.
Best regards.

Greetings friend, those cups are wonderful and that way you can enjoy each of the drinks and it is fascinating how you use them and each one has a great meaning. At home we have many cups and the funny thing is that we always use the same ones hahaha. Excellent and great to be able to know a little more about the history of those two cups you mention.

Hello, good friend David (@davidpena21). Nice to see you in my publication and good that you enjoyed it. Thank you very much for your kind comment.
Best wishes to you and your family.
A hug from this side of the screen.

Same to you, best regards.

It's funny and a little scary how protective you are of your mugs. But hey, With fine looking mugs like those, and especially with their emotional history, I totally get why you're particular about them.

I get that way with my pens too😅. I love the "love at first sip" line.
Thanks for sharing your coffee mugs with us, I enjoyed reading this🙂

I was delighted, dear @zitalove, by your comment that stole a smile from me. I'm glad you liked the publication.
My greetings and wish you well from this side of the screen.

Well I don't think you're crazy, I'm sure you are, but not because of what you mention in this publication, because I'm the same with my mugs, it bothers me a lot to have my mugs touched or that someone else uses them, they are for my exclusive use, in all honesty I'm even disgusted to think that someone else stuck their mouth there.

It is amazing how something given to us becomes so valuable to us, thank you for introducing us to your two loves.

Oh, her majesty Cristina (@actioncats) has come to visit me!
Thank you, my dear friend.
So my not crazy, but jealous of things, especially coffee cups. Good thing I'm not the only one.
Love you my heart and thank you for the comment.

Hi @germanandradeg what a nice story about both mugs, highlighting the colour of them and each with their emotive meaning to you. Regards.

Thank you Princess Marie for your kind comment.

 2 months ago  



I like the dark one here. Looks very matured and okay too

Thanks for your kind comment @treasuree.
Greetings from this side of the screen.