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RE: My Two Loves [#STB Coffee Prompt Week 70]

Oh, I understand you perfectly; my husband doesn't dare serve anyone in my favorite cups; he fears the witch in me, hehe. I love that you mention the emotional value that can make us like one cup more than the others and, I guess, this can also make the coffee taste better 🙂


Hi, Marlyn (@marlyncabrera).
How I laughed about the witch in you. It must be scary.
Amiga, I tell you that when I drink coffee in cups that are not mine, the taste is not the same and if I have to make it in the street, I ask for espresso and to be served in a tall glass cup. Old man stuff.
May the universe save us from the witch in you and may your husband continue to make sure no one touches the cups.
Thank you for your visit and that wonderful comment.