A coffee among plants 🌱- Un café entre las ramas

I love walking through random streets because I always discover hidden places.


The last café I found in Medellín completely won me over. It radiated a sense of peace, as it’s surrounded by vines that allow natural light to filter through their leaves. Plus, on the second floor, they have a second-hand bookstore where you can buy books, borrow them to read during your stay, or even exchange them for one you have at home.



Medellín is a very green city, and the area where I live is especially calm and full of trees. So from inside the café, I was able to connect with nature. The coffee was a solid 10—creamy and frothy, just how I love it. I even had a little visit from a bee friend who couldn’t resist the aroma coming from my cup.



The desserts looked delicious, but I was a bit hungry, so I ordered a wheat empanada filled with mushrooms. It had a mild flavor that paired perfectly with my coffee.



Most places here are pet-friendly, so wherever you go, you’ll be accompanied by plenty of dogs. This time, I met two, and I found it so funny that one of them was placed on a chair and just stayed there 😂. I’ll definitely be coming back to this place—it had such a great vibe. Did it give you the same feeling? Tell me in the comments! 💫





Me encanta transitar calles aleatorias porque siempre descubro lugares escondidos.


La última cafetería que descubrí en Medellín me enamoró, transmitía mucha paz pues está rodeada de enredaderas que dejan traspasar la luz natural entre sus hojas, además en el segundo piso tienen una librería de libros de segunda mano los cuales puedes comprar, tomar prestados para leer durante tu estadía o intercambiarlos por algún otro que tengas en casa.



Medellín es una ciudad muy verde, justamente la zona donde resido es muy calmada y llena de árboles así que desde adentro de la cafetería pude conectar con la naturaleza. El café estaba de 10, cremoso y espumoso como me encanta, incluso tuve la visita de una amiga abeja que no pudo resistirse al olor que desprendía mi taza.



Los postres se veían deliciosos, pero tenía un poco de hambre así que pedí una empanada de trigo rellena de hongos, tenía un sabor suave que combinaba a la perfección con mi café.



La mayoría de los lugares son pet friendly, así que a donde vayas te acompañarán muchos perritos. En esta oportunidad conocí a dos, me causó mucha gracia que a uno de ellos lo subieron en una silla y allí se quedó 😂 Definitivamente volveré a este lugar, su ambiente me transmitió muy buena energía, ¿A ustedes también? Cuéntenme en los comentarios 💫





  • Translation: DeepL translate
  • Diseño/Design: Por mí utilizando CANVA/By myself using CANVA
  • Video/Photography: Por mí /By myself
  • English is not my native language, I apologize for possible errors in the translation.


Un paseo por mi mente

"Todo es creado dos veces, primero en la mente y luego en la realidad " Robin Sharma.

Documento las cosas que me apasionan, mis aventuras llenas de color por el mundo, la deliciosa comida que me saca una sonrisa y mis opiniones y experiencias sobre moda. Soy fashionista, foodie, tech lover y community builder. Me encanta crear cosas geniales con mis manos, hacer sonreír a quienes me rodean y darle un vistazo al futuro mientras le doy forma a mi presente a través de web3. Conoce mi marca de ropa phygital @Metamerch 🚀


What a beautiful place, very fresh and friendly, I really liked the books, I'm sure I would like that place a lot. The photo of the little bee is simply beautiful, perfect for a painting of the little coffee bee. The little dog is also adorable and makes you want to go and pet him.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Excellent day.

Thanks to you for your comment! I will definitely come back to this place 🫂💗

It looks a very nice place where to drink a coffee and to spend some relaxed time. ❤️

Totally agree! That place is amazing 💗

Que romantico <333

Perfecto para una cita muy aesthetic 🤭🤭🤭

Que delicia de lugares hay en Colombia por dios 🤤 Hasta las abejas están a gusto ahí siendo atraídas por las buenas vibras y el café ☕️ Que delicia de lugares con libros y café a mi ya me pierden, y además comida deliciosa. Definitivamente un día debo ir a Medellin, pero primero tengo que salir de Cuba 😅👏

Es una locura!! Cada lugar al que voy es más hermoso que el anterior y además, son lugares pequeños o escondidos, nada decepciona aquí 💗

@lunaticanto A beautiful place to enjoy a cup of coffee.

I really loved that place 😍😍

What a cozy cafe! And how great that in your aimless wandering you have found this small space in Ramas, it must be very fresh.

A very green and interesting space 🫂

This cafe is everything I would like in a cafe: plants, books and puppies.
This cafe is very beautiful and is an example of how we can do business friendly to nature and kind to the environment.
One aspect I loved: the floors; they are reminiscent, as is the furniture.
The mug with the bee made me fall in love. The best latte art you can show.
Thanks, @lunaticanto.

I'm glad you liked it, definitely a beautiful place everywhere you look, I have to go back to try their desserts 🤤💗

It is very worthwhile. I also recommend their tequeños.

There’s something truly special about finding a spot like this—where you can simply be present, breathe deeply, and let the worries of the world fade away. I would love to experience a place like this someday, just to sit back, enjoy the moment, and embrace the calmness it brings.

Medellín is full of places like this, plus, it's a very green city so most places have lots of plants and good energy!

My pets is not allowed to the coffee shop I have been. because other coffee shops that pet is allowed so far for us . So sad for my dogs not to bring with me in the coffee shop. So cute coz your coffee is sweets that’s why the bee loves it to taste your coffee too.

In Medellin I have seen more dogs than children hahaha it's a little strange, but in 90% of the places you can enter with your pet without problems.