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RE: Choosing The Perfect Mug || How A Mug Affect Your Taste Perception

Interesting color! from Washington Post, The color red, specifically, has even been associated with lower levels of consumption. so I wonder if you consume less coffee while using that mug :D and a see through glass is associated with less sweeter, it could be why @discoveringarni does not like that type of glass?

Also, whenever I visit a coffee shop, I hardly find red mug. It's often white, green, or blue, or yellow.

 3 years ago  

That's so interesting. I've never seen a red mug in a Cafe for true!
In fact, I do tend to drink less. So it be the red?!🤣
I think when I go back to the UK, I'll definitely buy @scubahead a red mug. We'll go back to a Drip Coffee Machine, and he likes to have the entire pot🤓😳

I wonder why Nescafe made a marketing campaign with the Red Mug with some freebee red mugs with them a few years back. The red mugs had a white interior though.