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RE: Choosing The Perfect Mug || How A Mug Affect Your Taste Perception

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

Hello @macchiata Nice topic!😍
Mugs and crockery do make a difference to me for both coffee and tea:)
When I lived in the UK, I always collected some of the most beautiful espresso cups from Charity Shops and Carboot sales. My husband @scubahead always joked that they were egg cups.
Sometime last year I was having coffee with @discoveringarni and my Yoga teacher, when this subject came up. I recall @discoveringarni saying that she does not like her coffee in clear (see through mugs), correct? While my Yoga teacher said her cup must be white on the inside, regardless of the outer colour.

Living in a province in the Philippines, I grabbed 2 coffee cups (seldom you can find 2 of the same). Orange is my favourite colour and since it's a warm colour I picked it for myself.
I then picked the red one since it was the closest match on the colour wheel.

Surprisingly, @scubahead tends to always use the orange one when he has coffee at home! Maybe he just grabs the one closest to him, I'm not sure!

Initially, in my perspective, the orange one looked feminine and the red looked more masculine. It makes me smile!

I like quirky things, so if the mug is unique in anyway, I'll get a great feeling when drinking from it. However, when I go to a Coffee Shop and order my usual cappuccino, I like to see the biggest, widest, white mug 😂


Interesting color! from Washington Post, The color red, specifically, has even been associated with lower levels of consumption. so I wonder if you consume less coffee while using that mug :D and a see through glass is associated with less sweeter, it could be why @discoveringarni does not like that type of glass?

Also, whenever I visit a coffee shop, I hardly find red mug. It's often white, green, or blue, or yellow.

 3 years ago  

That's so interesting. I've never seen a red mug in a Cafe for true!
In fact, I do tend to drink less. So it be the red?!🤣
I think when I go back to the UK, I'll definitely buy @scubahead a red mug. We'll go back to a Drip Coffee Machine, and he likes to have the entire pot🤓😳

I wonder why Nescafe made a marketing campaign with the Red Mug with some freebee red mugs with them a few years back. The red mugs had a white interior though.

Hello @macchiata, this is a very interesting article. Like you, I prefer white. Haha, I remember this conversation @millycf1976 and why I always ask every time, which mug you'd prefer for your coffee. At home, we have mismatched mugs but I always use white ones. I feel like the coffee tastes better when the interior is white.

I hate clear mugs, worse, the glass type ones without a handle. There are some who serve their coffee inside glasses because once upon a time Nescafe's ordinary black instant coffee came in small glass containers which were re-used by many to serve as coffee glasses in Filipino homes in the 80s and I watched adults drink coffee in them.

The clear mugs somehow give off an impression that the coffee is weak and bland with mediocre quality even though they're the same coffee poured in a white mug.

The quality really does make a difference depending on the beverage recipient but I had no idea with regards to the existence of a study.

I spotted that shape of mug today but it was made of porcelain. I prefer ceramics over porcelain hence I got that mug. I also have that french press at my apartment :D now I miss them because that can work to create a foamy milk too. These days I use V60 and it's quite a chore but fun. I think soon, I'll get a vietnam dripper or the electric ones. Still need to check on budget and everything.

In Indonesia they have a place called "warung" it's a street food vendor that also serves coffee. Their coffee is served in a plain clear glass or a clear mug. It gives a cheap impression though they often use the same beans. While in coffee shop, they use the ceramics/porcelain mugs and it gives a one-of-a kind experience.

I love this french press, I got it from IKEA 😀 Been using it for 11 years now. It works well during power cuts haha. I haven't used V60 before, is it better?

Ooh warung sounds interesting to try, for the experience.

 3 years ago  

The french press I like a lot and I've actually drafted an article on it:). I think your white mug is from Ikea? My bosses in the UK used those and another white one with a black rim. I always prefer my coffee in those plain white ones.

Haha yes, they're from Ikea. I have smaller cups from there too but I only use them when I accidentally get many guests and my coffee pot quantity is too small to accommodate everyone at the same time.

 3 years ago  

That looks awesome!!😍😋
It spices things up when you have different size cups :)

 3 years ago  

Ceramic mugs have a vintage flair, but Ikea does some elegant looking porcelain mugs that I use with pleasure :)