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RE: Choosing The Perfect Mug || How A Mug Affect Your Taste Perception

I spotted that shape of mug today but it was made of porcelain. I prefer ceramics over porcelain hence I got that mug. I also have that french press at my apartment :D now I miss them because that can work to create a foamy milk too. These days I use V60 and it's quite a chore but fun. I think soon, I'll get a vietnam dripper or the electric ones. Still need to check on budget and everything.

In Indonesia they have a place called "warung" it's a street food vendor that also serves coffee. Their coffee is served in a plain clear glass or a clear mug. It gives a cheap impression though they often use the same beans. While in coffee shop, they use the ceramics/porcelain mugs and it gives a one-of-a kind experience.


I love this french press, I got it from IKEA 😀 Been using it for 11 years now. It works well during power cuts haha. I haven't used V60 before, is it better?

Ooh warung sounds interesting to try, for the experience.

 3 years ago  

The french press I like a lot and I've actually drafted an article on it:). I think your white mug is from Ikea? My bosses in the UK used those and another white one with a black rim. I always prefer my coffee in those plain white ones.

Haha yes, they're from Ikea. I have smaller cups from there too but I only use them when I accidentally get many guests and my coffee pot quantity is too small to accommodate everyone at the same time.

 3 years ago  

That looks awesome!!😍😋
It spices things up when you have different size cups :)

 3 years ago  

Ceramic mugs have a vintage flair, but Ikea does some elegant looking porcelain mugs that I use with pleasure :)