in Cinnamon Cup Coffee11 months ago

As every morning my routine was focused on preparing a delicious cup of coffee, which I used to share with my wife, however, I do not know what happened, it seems that I have fallen into a mental gap, I woke up and I realize that my wife is no longer by my side and I do not remember having slept with her either.

My mind is clouded, more, however, I manage to remember what I do every day, I prepare the coffee and leave in a hurry to get to work early, the truth is that Monday morning I was a little unfocused and when I get to the pantry I realize that there is no coffee, the day could not start worse, I try to remember where I left my phone with the intention of calling Lucia and I do not succeed.

Suddenly I look at the TV and realize that it is on, I approach, I turn up the volume and hear a news of a somewhat creepy event, 12 people had appeared in a state of putrefaction after more than 4 months of missing, the images were terrifying, so I just unplugged the device, and in that time I realize that behind it was a package of coffee whose brand was unknown to me, but that would not be a problem.

I approach the kitchen table in search of the scissors to open the package of coffee and as I pass it to the respective container where we keep the coffee, I notice the presence of an unsigned note with the following message "Help me! I've been trapped in this factory for a decade!", I read the note again and despair has managed to invade me, intrigue has awakened in me and at the same time an apparent worry has come into my life, I only thought about how terrible this person has been having a terrible time.

Suddenly a moment of lucidity invaded my mind, for sure it was a joke that I must overlook, but at the same time the images of the news contradicted my decision What should I do? It was the most apparent question, my eyes were focused on the package of coffee found and its description, as usual I managed to get an address that has allowed me to have more information about it and all thanks to the benefits of the internet.

It turns out that this company has a branch in Santa Barbara, a neighboring city and where the bodies were found in a state of decomposition, this indication upset me even more, since I did not understand what was happening.

With this information I decided to go to the authorities and through a phone call, I told them about the note and the location of the company where that person could be trapped, immediately the authorities took the report and so several weeks passed without any information of what happened, from there, I decided to go to the station in search of information and suddenly she appeared, Lucia, her eyes were swollen from crying and a great sadness could be seen in her countenance, I tried to approach her, but suddenly she appeared, I decided to go to the station in search of information and suddenly she appeared, Lucia, her eyes were swollen from crying so much and a great sadness could be seen in her face, I tried to approach her, but she did not give me a chance to reach her, a commander took her to the office, however, I could hear what they were talking about.

-Mrs. Lucia, a couple of weeks ago we received an anonymous phone call that allowed us to find 12 people in a state of decomposition, they were buried in the facilities of Café Aroma and had extracted part of their organs, coffee processing was a front used by these criminals for organ trafficking.

Our investigations are still ongoing in that place, but a couple of days ago a new evidence has appeared, in one of the walls of that fateful place, there were remains of people's bones and when carrying out the respective studies, we have found that they are the remains of Mr. Amilcar Perez, her husband, who has been missing for more than 10 years.

At that moment a great emptiness filled my life and at the same time an immense tranquility and peace invaded me, I think I understood what was happening and I can now rest in the midst of so much pain.


The cover image was designed by @madridbg, using public domain images.

 11 months ago  

The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.

Thanks to you for creating this space to share original writings.

Tough story, unfortunately these things happen. Sometimes the signs don't arrive in time to save those who fall by the wayside. Good story dear @madridbg . Thanks for sharing. A big hug from Maracay.

Thanks friend for stopping by and leaving your valuable comment, it must be shocking moments to be trapped and not being able to do anything and find out that way that you are dead. hehehehee

What a great twist this story had @madridbg, there are definitely many souls wandering aimlessly, just waiting for their deaths to be clarified as you yourself have narrated.

No doubt scenarios like the one narrated in the story have been heard for a long time, in my country there was a TV program called the spirits of the beyond that narrated stories that science still can not explain and that has to do with the power of the spirits. Myth or reality? I would not know how to answer that question.

Excelente historia mi estimado, me hace pensar si es factible que después de la muerte podríamos pasar por esas situaciones.

I would not know how to answer, although there are many who think that the soul can wander in search of the peace that has not been given to it.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting my brother.