Preparing Cafe Dalgona and Cafe Affogato, and I'll tell you which one is my favorite..☕

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee9 months ago (edited)

Hello my dear hivers coffee lovers, I hope you are doing well, today I want to present two coffee drinks to you. Normally we find them in cafes or restaurants, but I wanted to make them at home, and choose which one is my favorite. You too, depending on the results, can tell me which one you prefer, those of us who love coffee, do it in all its presentations. but there is always a type of these coffee drinks that drive us crazy, for example, there is the Café dalgona, and the café affogato, these two coffee drinks that are a true delight, and today I show you how to prepare them at home and which one is my favorite. Let's get started.

I want to start with Dalgona Coffee, it is a different and exquisite drink, the protagonist of this drink is a coffee cream that is prepared with instant coffee, I used decaffeinated, sugar and hot water.

Making this exquisite coffee cream is very easy, we just have to add the instant coffee, sugar and hot water to the blender, beat for several minutes, approximately 6 minutes, and we will see how this magical and delicious cream is formed.


Once the cream is ready, we add warm milk to a cup, and then we add the cream. I did it with a cake decorating bag, but you can also do it with any utensil you have. We decorate to our liking, I added coffee beans, and a little cocoa powder and that's it, we enjoyed this delight of flavors, this cream is glory, its flavor is unique.



Affogato Coffee

Now let's go with this other delight, it is a delicious drink, in some places they have it as a dessert, it is Affogato coffee, it is an exquisite mixture of espresso coffee with vanilla ice cream, the name affogato in Spanish means drowned, The ice cream should be drowned in the coffee, really, this combination is crazy, I think you should already know which one is my favorite 🤭. To prepare this drink we only need espresso coffee and vanilla ice cream or shortbread.

To prepare this delight, we only add shortbread ice cream, one or two scoops, to a cup or glass glass, and then we add the espresso coffee, the coffee must be very strong so that the flavor is better, and that's it my friends, we enjoy of this perfect mix, I confess that the two drinks are incredible, but I will definitely choose the second option, Café affogato, it left me enchanted, I had not tried it before, and now I am fascinated, and I think I will prepare it many times more haha.



You already know which one is my favorite, now I hope you tell me in the comments which would be your favorite between these two drinks with our beloved Coffee, and if you know another way to prepare them, you can also tell me, I say goodbye until next time, blessings.

Thank you very much for reading and supporting my posts💗.

All images are my property.


Amiga, that really is a beauty. It made me want to go to your house to taste such a beautiful delight. The way it looks it must taste. A hug

Whenever you want, my dear friend, you come home and we will prepare this delicacy together, for me an affogato ajja. Thanks for the support, hugs.🤗

That affogato is special my dear @marivic10

Wow amazing. Looks pretty yummy too. Well done i must says.

Both drinks are a delight my friend. Glad you liked them, thanks for stopping by.

Most welcome my friend.

Both coffee drinks look really enticing. I can imagine that they'd taste exquisite as well. I wonder, though, if the Affogato coffee has a much thicker texture compared to the Dalgona coffee. Does it? These are brilliant photos, meanwhile.

Hello my friend, this is how the ice cream in the coffee affogato makes it feel a little creamier, it also depends on the amount of ice cream and coffee you put in it.
It's good that you liked the photos, thank you very much for stopping by, greetings.

 9 months ago  

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Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Hello, thanks for the coffee and the welcome,.

Yo que soy amante del café, esto debería ser ilegal. 😍😍😍😍 se ve todo delicioso, se me antoja para disfrutarlos en la tarde.

Jajaja, realmente son deliciosas amiga, es dificil escoger entre las dos cual es la mejor, pero me quede con el affogato. Gracias por pasar, 🤗.

These 2 coffee presentations are incredibly tempting, I didn't know them, but they look simple to prepare.

Thank you for taking the time to be so explicit in developing each recipe, I will be encouraged to put it into practice in future publications.
Greetings @marivic10

Hello my friend, I'm glad you liked it, the truth is that both drinks are exquisite. Thank you very much for stopping by.

 9 months ago  

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The image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated in Canva.