"A good company next to a vanilla late"[🇺🇸/🇪🇸]

Lavanda Celeste Pastel Bonito Mascota Post de Instagram de collage de fotos_20240519_104830_0000.png
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"A good company next to a vanilla late"☕

A few days ago, we went to spend the weekend with my in-laws, we are always looking out for them, as they are two elderly people living alone and my father-in-law has health problems, we live about fifteen minutes by bus from my home to theirs.

At noon time we were missing some things to make lunch, as I would make a pasta sauce with calamari, my mother-in-law told me to go both, since my husband was busy, the good thing about the area where they live is that they have two wonderful mega super markets, where we can find a little bit of everything.





Both have an excellent cafeteria, where we can find great varieties of desserts and the best coffee, but one of these does have to taste. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Entering this place is wonderful, it is very cozy, the atmosphere lends itself to a moment of complete relaxation.




We went out to buy things, and when I was finishing buying the list of what we were missing my mother-in-law told me daughter, when canceling we are going to have a coffee, I was happy, they already know my addiction to this delicious and magical elixir, every time we go to her house she dies laughing, they offer me everything and I do not want, Ah! But when she says, do you want coffee? I immediately say yes. Ha, ha, ha, ha, she says: "He who doesn't know you should buy you, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This saying is Venezuelan.




When I finished, I sat down and she asked me what coffee I wanted to drink, there was only late, vanilla, espresso and regular latte. She cancelled while I looked at the delicious desserts they had in the display cases, then I went with her to see how they made my coffee and to pick it up because it was hot. When it was ready, they handed it to me. I must say I love their packaging, they are super flirty.




We settled down to talk for a while while we tasted sip by sip this delicious coffee, I loved it, it was super smooth, warm, hot as I like and with a cinnamon flavor, when this aroma reached my olfactory buds my skin bristled, while I connected with my magical elixir, my mother in law had already finished and she still tells me ha, ha, ha, ha. Sorry, I love to enjoy every sip I ingest.




I love this place, it is super busy, it is our favorite for home shopping, the attention is incredible and the atmosphere is so nice that you don't want to leave. Well, my loves, this has been my experience for today, I wish you are very well, I send you many blessings and success in this new week that begins. Giant hugs to all of you, see you soon!





Lavanda Celeste Pastel Bonito Mascota Post de Instagram de collage de fotos_20240519_104736_0000.png
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"Una buena compañía al lado de un late vainilla"☕

Hace algunos días, fuimos a pasar el fin de semana con mis suegros, siempre estamos pendiente de ellos, ya que son dos personas de tercera edad viviendo solos y mi suegro tiene problemas de salud, vivimos a unos quince minutos en bus de mi hogar al de ellos.

Al llegar la hora de mediodía nos faltaban algunas cosas para hacer el almuerzo, ya que haría una pasta en salsa con calamares, mi suegra me dijo para ir las dos, ya que mi esposo se encontraba ocupado, lo bueno de la zona donde residen ellos es que tienen dos mega súper mercados maravillosos, donde podemos encontrar de todo un poco.





Los dos cuentan con excelente cafetería, donde podemos encontrar grandes variedades de postres y el mejor café, pero uno de estos sí tiene para degustar. Desayunos, almuerzos y cenas. Entrar a este lugar es maravilloso, es muy acogedor, el ambiente se presta para un momento de relax completamente.




Salimos con destino a comprar las cosas, ya cuando estaba terminando de comprar la lista de los que nos faltaba mi suegra me dijo hija, al cancelar vamos a tomarnos un café, yo feliz, ya ellos conocen mi adicción a este delicioso y mágico elixir, cada vez que vamos a su casa muere de risa, me ofrecen de todo y yo no quiero, ¡Ah! Pero cuando dice, ¿quieres café? De inmediato digo sí. Ja, ja, ja, ella dice: "Quien no te conoce que te compre, ja, ja, ja, ja. Este dicho es venezolano.




Al terminar, me senté y me preguntó qué café deseaba tomar, solo había late, vainilla, expreso y café con leche normal. Ella canceló mientras yo veía los deliciosos postres que tenían en las vitrinas, luego fui con ella a ver cómo elaboraban mi café y a retirarlo por lo caliente. Al estar listo, me los entregaron. Debo decir que me encanta su envase, son super coquetos.




Nos instalamos a conversar un rato mientras degustamos sorbo a sorbo este delicioso café, me encantó estaba súper suave, cálido, caliente como me gusta y con un sabor a canela, cuando este aroma llegaba a mis papilas olfativas mi piel se erizaba, mientras yo me conectaba con mi mágico elixir, mi suegra ya había culminado y me dice todavía ja, ja, ja. Lo siento, me encanta disfrutar de cada sorbo que ingiero.




Me encanta este lugar, es super concurrido, es nuestro favorito para las compras del hogar, la atención es increíble y el ambiente se presta para no querer salir de allí. Bueno, mis amores, esta ha sido mi experiencia por hoy, deseo estés muy bien, les envió muchas bendiciones y éxitos en esta nueva semana que inicia. Abrazos gigantes para todos. ¡Hasta pronto!




Feliz por su Visita


Happy for your visit

Imágenes tomadas por mi tecno camon 18p

Images take by tecno camon 18p

Use of the Deepl translator to translate texts into English


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Thank you very much 😊

All good @milik80! You're amazing on Hive! Don't stop now, achieve that new goal!

@milik80 Just by looking at the cute glasses we already know it's a delicious coffee, I hope you enjoyed it.

Greetings sweetie, yes I enjoyed it very much and even more with the company I had by my side. Thank you for visiting my blog. I value it very much🙏blessings to you.

What better companion to enjoy your vanilla latte, it looks really delicious, when it comes to coffee, we can't refuse the offer, I'm glad you enjoyed it a lot 🤗🥰

Greetings friend, yes she is like my mother and we always enjoy each other. A hug friend and thank you for your nice comment, I value it very much🤗😘prospera week.

The mothers-in-law are our second mothers, I also have the idea of ​​having one, which I get along with very well, that is the idea of ​​sharing and enjoying their stay. Greetings 🤗🥰

Greetings beautiful friend, that's the most beautiful thing, to have good relationships with our in-laws who become parents as the years go by. Hugs 😘

That's beautiful, greetings 🤗🥰

 last month  

It must be comforting knowing that you're not too far away and able to help when needed. Sharing coffee moments with your inlaws is a great bonding time.
The packaging is lovely indeed:)
Happy Monday!
You're very welcome. Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day!-8.jpg

Greetings my dear Milly, yes really having them close gives me a lot of peace, because this way we are more aware of them and enjoy their company is the most valuable thing for me, they are like my parents. Hugs and prosperous week. Thank you for your nice comment, I value it a lot🤗🙏

Un café que aparte de que se ve delicioso pudiste disfrutar con la compañía de tu suegra. Es muy lindo que tengas esos gestos con ella

Saludos amiga hermosa, bendecida semana, siii amo su compañía es como una madre para mí y el poder estar para ellos, como ellos para nosotros es lo mejor de todos. Un abrazo manita🤗

Hi, it looks very delicious my friend and the sweets too. Enjoy your meal

Greetings my friend, yes indeed everything is special there. A hug and prosperous week

El café siempre será una opción, a donde vayamos, y aún más para nosotros 🤭

Ya te conocen y saben que es lo que te gusta, ya he tenido ese tipo de experiencias, donde saben que siempre recibiré café jejeje✨

Que bueno que lo hayas pasado bien ❤️‍🩹

Hello!!! I love the coffee at this place, it's delicious and inexpensive, glad you enjoyed one with your mother in law, she sure knows your tastes! A hug!

Greetings beautiful friend, if they are delicious and if manita be with her and enjoy a pleasant time is the best. Hugs, thank you for the visit 🤗🙏