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RE: Cinnamon Cup Coffee - And a Game of Connect 4 Anyone?

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

Hello @ellenripley
It's a quirky, rustic, and charming little shop there. I love the look of it. The repurposing chair looks perfect in the location. I had never thought of that idea before. I also like the dining tables and chairs, and the good thing is that the coffee did not disappoint.
The sandwiches look AWESOME!!!

General Banners-15.jpg


Thank you @millycf1976. I've been recycling and upcycling most of my life. The world is catching up with me at last!

 2 years ago  


The world is catching up with me at last!

I'm happy about that.

Yeah, I've always loved recycling and as a little girl, I never liked throwing stuff out... I always thought I could make something new from something old.

It's great to see this:)

Good to hear. Yes, it's definitely a throwaway society. That's why I like skip diving. I need to do a post about that. I have people in my village who tip me off that someone's got a skip outside their house. I have a bit of a reputation .... 😁

 2 years ago  

I have people in my village who tip me off that someone's got a skip outside their house.

Haha! That's funny 🤣