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RE: From Humble beginnings

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee2 years ago

Hello Lizelle,
Long time no see!!!
It's great to have you here 😁
You're always so creative with your coffee post. I love this!!

You would have to apply some strong discipline to not want to collect all those little coffee pottery and crockery. They are absolutely adorable.

I like the way you told your story, and yes, the coffee art is perfect!

Old records for placemats!? So unique. Hmmm, I wonder if my uncle still has his collection. I like that!

Quaint and arty indeed.

Thanks so much for sharing this with us:))))
All good wishes 🤗


Hi @millycf1976, thank you for the welcome back! This cappuccino pics have been shouting at me not to neglect them any longer! And I miss the coffee community, so hope to pop in here more often. The Silver Bloggers have kept ne real busy, hence the absence. Have a lovely day or night, it's way past my bedtime. See you soon Milly💞

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 2 years ago  

I totally relate to being up way past bedtime. My energy kicks in in the wee hours of the morning when the rest of the world is silent. I certainly miss your community too, and all the activities including #BOW. I do understand you not getting to pop by frequently, as I find myself in the same position focusing on my communities too. #SilverBloggers rocks and it is a GREAT community to emulate.
C u soon 😍

It's weird how I just cannot start functioning until nighttime, we're both definitely night owls ;)
Running a community certainly takes up a lot of time as there's much to be done in the background; fortunately, I have a wonderful team!
Hope to pop in here more often!