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RE: [ICD] Coffee Bags for Dummies - Happy International Coffee Day!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee • 2 years ago

Hey Timoty!

A Coffee Bag sounds good as long as it's not Instant[aneously] Poison[ous]...Have you ever tried Drip-on Coffee? Those are amazing like a proper brew 😋
Funnily I grew up drinking tea because tea is the popular beverage (actually the cure all beverage) in Jamaica... but I was never a fan of tea as a kid and I was forced to drink it.
...I would sit and fuss till my tea went cold enough to pour it down my bosom, slide down lower in my chair at the table to hide my soiled clothes and present the empty cup and announce. "I finished my tea."
Years later I found my true love, #coffee


You know what they say; true love conquers all. Although, I find myself sitting in judgement of the grubby kid with soiled clothing. Surely when the laundry was being done there would be stains?

I wanted to get a Drip-Coffee machine, but I'm just not sure of the value of it. I can't remember where I used to use one, must have been a short-term work place when I was very young (I mean, must have been yesterday!) and I really rather enjoyed it. With the POD machine sitting on the counter though, part of the equation is - how many machines do we need?

And, indeed, always a pleasure!

 2 years ago  

Haha! Whenever they saw stains on my clothes, I was the first one to raise my hand for being clumsy 🤣

No, the drip-on coffee is similar to the coffee bag, but it's better because the design fits over the rim of the cup ... I am typing from mobile, and you're probably already in bed ... I will drop an image later:)

Mornning;yep - you've got me stumped on that one. I've never heard of, or imagined such magic in a coffee scenario! I just googled it - but still looks like options. Is the basic premise, you buy this empty bag, put your own coffee in it, then tip hot water on?

 2 years ago  

it looks like this, and it's sold in the same kind of package as the coffee tea bag that you posted. The difference is that it has a side attachment (like arms) that hangs over the rim of the cup. All you do is pour the water in the bag and the coffee brews... so it's proper coffee and taste just like the coffee from a drip machine of a French press. They might have been invented in Japan or Taiwan, but definitely one of the more advanced Asian countries.

Yep - that looks like one of the images I found and assumed it was the one! So you put ground coffee in it, yea?

 2 years ago  

it comes with the ground coffee... all you need is hot water and a cup :)