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RE: My new grinder is here. Let’s see how the Timemore Chestnut C2 looks like!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffeelast year

It looks industrial indeed. I like that it's manual too. The size looks perfect for you to grind just what is needed.
A pocket-size grinder is awesome:)
Coffee is my Saviour. I shall not want Coffee maketh in green pastures and plantations Coffee restoreth my soul Coffee leadeth me in the paths of green hilly pastures For Caffeine name sake. Yea though the work is h.jpg

A parody from a fictional book


I know that this will come in handy when traveling around. The grinder is more than perfect. In fact Misho, the barista of the “Specialty place 23” that we visit regularly uses the same one for his filter coffees! 😝