My experience with instant coffee (NESCAFE)

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The future is full of uncertainty, or so many say, but I declare that this 2023 will be a successful year for me and my coffee.

2023 for me was a year full of goals and commitments, and I must thank mainly this community that welcomed me and my content with an open arm.

Well, I was mainly inspired in this post to talk about something crucial for my recipes and that is the NESSCAFE instant coffee, tell you a little about it and my experience and what I think of it.


Well, to begin with this presentation is of a medium roasted coffee made in Colombia, a place from where very good and high quality coffee is exported, there are many clearer presentations, such as the one from Brazil and the United States, these are the ones that I have been able to appreciate here in my hometown.


The coffee is quite yielding, in fact I used it for my recipes and eventually in the mornings as the main coffee and its flavor is quite strong although a little artificial. Well, it is the least that can be expected from an instant coffee that has undergone different chemical processes to change from a solid bean to a soluble bean.

I would also like to point out that when this coffee is used as an ingredient or mixed with anything, even milk, its flavor improves a lot, in fact I prefer to prepare coffee with milks with this than the standard coffee beans.


This coffee worked for me to achieve a great amount of smoothies and coffee-based recipes and with it, I was able to make the famous coffee cream that for many readers here who have appreciated my posts know how it is made.


This year I started with high expectations of this coffee with regard to recipes and I took the task of buying one a few days ago and return to prepare coffees.

Having in mind my next goal, which will be to buy a coffee maker to prepare coffees at a professional barista level, little by little I will achieve it, that is my desire.

I am grateful that thanks to this instant coffee, my desire to continue learning and practicing will increase.

In conclusion, I must also recommend this coffee, it is very good and yielding, with 2 small spoonfuls you can prepare a good cup of coffee and create a great quantity of coffees. This presentation of 170gr has an approximate value of $11.5 and yields 113 cups of coffee.


It is one of my tools, also complementing my coffee with the hand whisk and milk in any type of presentation. I use more powder, but whatever it is as long as you have the knowledge you can do wonders with only two ingredients as I do.


With this I say goodbye, greetings to all readers and happy new year, soon I will be updated with new recipes, I am preparing great things and improving some materials and tools.

All photos were taken with my Moto G9 Play, edited in Canva App and translated the text with DeepL.


That coffee presentation is very good, it is a little strong alone, but accompanied by milk it is delicious, I like cold drinks better with this instant coffee. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I hope you achieve your Barista dream and can make great coffee. Greetings

Yes, I think the company's main intention is to create a very versatile product :)
Thanks for reading

Good luck, good luck friend

There was a time when I was in my teen years, I actually gulped Nescafe instant coffee. I think there is an insane amount of hype created around Nescafé that whoever tries it feels the pressure of society to say they enjoyed it. I however think it is extremely overrated and nowhere near as good as some of the other instant coffees that are on the market for example "Old Town Coffee," or "Davidoff" blends. Give these a try if you come across them next time and do a comparison post hehe!

I understand your point my friend, well, it is the first instant coffee that I use, and it has worked well for me, I emphasize that this nescafe is better mixed or used as an ingredient for another recipe.
In my experience it is good, but it is not better, in fact my girlfriend's family has coffee farms and I have learned a lot about it and I prefer to drink the coffee that they produce in beans rather than instant coffee, I have it as a practice tool for the elaboration of coffees.

Now that you mention it, at any moment I change instant coffee to make a small comparison.

I miss you these days bro @simplifylife - hope you are doing well - times have changed and we need people with balls :-)

Hey Uwe! It's been ages eh! I miss the fun we had too mate, And I miss being a regular on hive these days. I come back to posting, and then one way or another life gets in the way haha.

How have you been? I hope all is well with you and your family! :D

Good to read from you - I do ok, n ot everything is perfect re health and family but in all i try to make the best out of all :-).

When I'm traveling somewhere remote I buy that same instant coffee to take with me. I think it has a pretty nice flavor 😁. The whisk is cool too, I've been wanting to get a frother of some kind for a bit now. ☕️

Oh, how great that you use that coffee in your travels, yes yes, I totally disagree, it would be great if you tried it, I have done it many times and the results are better than one expects as long as you have the right measurements.

 5 months ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

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All images belong to millycf1976