Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning Ramble - Running Low on Coffee/ Emergency!

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee3 years ago

Good Morning to all you coffee lovers on the Hive!

We are getting very close to leaving and we underestimated how much coffee we would consume in the last month or so (stupid us of course we would drink gallons of the stuff). So @millycf1976 was forced to do an emergency coffee shop in order that I did not have a complete melt down.


The selection was poor to say the least so @millycf1976 did her best with what was available ( pretty much not much ) and settled for a bit of dunkin donuts coffee. This was possibly inspired by our recent intake of donuts for breakfast delivered to the door that I exchanged a motorcycle helmet for.


Well it was perfectly acceptable in all honesty and I certainly am not grumbling. A perfectly presentable medium roast Arabica coffee. It did what I needed it to. Tastes good and got my engine fired up and ready to go.


In actual fact I think I'll make another pot it really wasn't bad at all. With all things considered, with all that his happening at the moment, we must make do with what we have available and if this is making do then I am able to cope easily.


This and donuts again ( as we didn't eat all of yesterdays delivery ) so sugar and caffeine rules the day. This is good as I will be needing all the energy and motivation I can muster. Clearance of the house is coming along nicely. So much so that I decided to book our flights last night and now we have a definite date of departure. So better get our skates on and get this place empty, and fast!


Still time for one more though, what do you think?

Stay safe out there people, wherever you may be on this planet of ours




@tipu curate

Thanks @ninahaskin. appreciate the support

Coffee & donuts definitely go well together to rev up your engine in mornings. I can survive without donuts however coffee is a must and I always have a little stashed away! ☕🍩☕

Whether you did it intentionally or by accident, your awesome colorsplashed edited images tell a visual story of watching the caffeine kick in! @scubahead

I'm behind on events...

From what tropical paradise are you guys leaving and where are you going?🏝🌍✈

Upvoted and curated

we are leaving in 2 weeks. Tourism has collapsed and we've decided to turn a negative into a positive and do something we wanted to do 12 years afo. So we have a new adventure planned. All will be revealed in 2 weeks. We are not sad to be leaving it really is time and the situation has given us a nudge in a direction we should have gone a few years back. We are pretty excited right now

Is that view from the window is what you see daily instead of other houses and vehicle unlike most of us? Wow, heavenly!
The coffee seems good, more like a fuel to gear up the day.
Have a lovely day😊

Loud local out rigger boats, morning horrible karaoke and screaming horrible children in the water i try to ignore but yup the view is 😊 great. Been here 7 years and leaving in 2 weeks so might as well make the most of it. Love my rocket fuel in the morning!

Hhaha! theres other side of the view too. Oh You are leaving, hope you settle to much better place :)

yup will be very different. Been in asia 7 years, tie to move on

Emergency coffee shopping is the worst cause then you'd have to settle with whatever coffee available.

Fun story, last night while I was about to make Greek frappe, I found out my nescafe had gone bad though it was only two weeks since I bought it. It's also gonna be the next topic I am going to talk about, coffee storing!

And this morning I was rushing to nearby corner store and they don't sell nescafe while I am craving for a Greek Frappe 🙁

My repeat guests always used to bring me coffee beans as gifts for years so we barely had to shop for coffee these oast years. Then lockdown and we slowly went through the stash. Then we were having some brought down from the city. We only have 2 weeks left so possibly one more shop to do before we go for coffee

 3 years ago  

Hello @scubahead

Coffee Alert.jpeg