Nice visit, excellent gift!!!


On Sunday "Father's Day", being alone in my apartment and quite bored, (since my father passed away many years ago and I had nothing to celebrate) @daimar07 calls me on the phone and asks me if she could come to my house to talk for a while and if it was no bother to have a coffee (her father also passed away some years ago), of course friend come, I answered her, it is no bother, on the contrary I love that you visit me.

Daimar she works every day and has a 5 year old daughter, the truth is that she doesn't have much time to visit me even though we live in the same urbanization.

In half an hour the doorbell rang at my house, I opened the door and it was her, I received her with a hug and a smile of joy and affection, she surprised me with a gift she brought me, she told me as you are dad and mom I brought you a gift for "Father's Day", we both laughed a lot, she gave me an envelope of a Juan Valdez brand coffee, which I did not know, from Juan Valdez I only know the instant ones.

I don't know what I liked more, his visit or the coffee, hahahahaha! No way, no way, his visit was very important to me and I was happy that he was with me for a while.


We talked a little about our lives, but I immediately uncovered that envelope of coffee, which gave off a delicious aroma, I said: if that is the aroma, how will it taste? I was very anxious to try it, for me it is important and pleasant to know different brands and flavors of coffees!




I prepared my coffee maker and mounted it on the stove, when the coffee was ready I added milk and we prepared a delicious coffee with milk.

My youngest daughter currently has an enterprise of homemade cookies made by herself and she left me some to deliver to a client in the city of Caracas, but she also left me some to offer as samples, so I took two packages, one for me and one for Daimar to taste that delicious coffee.


We loved that coffee, neither of us had tried it, I really recommend it, it is delicious and the combination with those homemade cookies was great.

After that nice snack we sat down to talk for a while more remembering many moments we spent together, we decided to conclude our chat, as Daimar's mother who had stayed with her daughter, called her to tell her to leave because she was going out, so we said goodbye and she left happy and I was also very happy for that nice time we spent together with that delicious coffee of which we were once again in love ...

So far dear friends of this excellent Community with another of my stories with my great friend "THE COFFEE" I hope to be here again soon with you.

All photos are my property, taken from my cell phone TECNO POVA NEO, some edited in Canva in its free version.

I use Deepl translator for my publications (free version).


 7 days ago  

I don't know what I liked more, his visit or the coffee, hahahahaha! No way, no way, his visit was very important to me and I was happy that he was with me for a while.

This gave me a good laugh! It's always special to spend time with friends, even when it means sharing in one another's grief. I'm glad you experienced that!

Those cookies look delicious. Your daughter's very talented.

This is brew-tiful! Thanks for stopping by! ;).png

Thanks @honeydue , hahaha I wrote it as a game, but the truth is that that visit from my friend filled me with a lot of peace and joy, of course that gift she brought me completed the joy, I liked it a lot. Ah, I love that picture, you looked very pretty!!!☕️😋😘

 7 days ago  

These special days that remind us of loved ones who have passed away are always bittersweet and difficult in my experience. I am so glad that you two could spend your time together on this important day, and share what's going on in your lives as well as some delicious coffee!

Perhaps both your fathers had coffee together in the afterlife as you two did; I like to think so.

I smiled thinking of your friend able to slip away for a bit and come enjoy a special packet of coffee with you, thanks for the lovely and heartwarming read!

Hi @grindan, thank you to you for such beautiful words, you are absolutely right, I value very much that time that my friend could have to share with me that delicious coffee that she gave me, we talked about that, that our parents wherever they are are enjoying a coffee, as they both consumed it every day and taught us to taste it as something good for our physical and mental health. A hug!😃☕️😋

 7 days ago  

It's great to see you, as always! Have a Coffee-Licious Day:)

Add a he-3.jpg

All images belong to millycf1976

Thank you, have a delicious day with coffee too!🙌☕️😋

 7 days ago  

Coffee with friends is the best, especially impromptu ones like these, that show how thoughtful the friend was of you, and how receptive and accommodating you were.
Homemade cookies by your daughter topped the meeting.

It's great that you both celebrate and have fond memories of your dads.

I'm pleased you chose to share this special coffee moment with us:)))

Hello my dear Milly, what a pleasure to see you here. Sharing a coffee with friends is something magical, the combination of my daughter's cookies with that delicious coffee that my friend brought me starred that beautiful moment, with beautiful memories of our parents on that special day.
I am also very happy to share this moment with you, as well as each of my little stories with my great friend "THE COFFEE". Thank you for your good words, which always motivate to keep working in this wonderful Community and try to make it better every day! A hug.🙏☕️😗

I have not tried that coffee, from what you say, it sounds great, I have not seen it around these parts either, if I see it, I will not hesitate to buy it, thank you for your review and for that beautiful share that you give us, big hug 🤗🥰☕☕

There is nothing better than having a good cup of coffee in the company of friends. I am so sorry to hear about your father. I know he is honored by what a great person you are. The cookies look very delicious. I love coffee with milk, even more when it is accompanied by good conversation.

Best wishes to you.

Hola amiga! It's always good to share with you and enjoy that delicious coffee that we love so much and enjoy so much even though we don't do it so often.
