Having chilling weather is always awesome

Today's weather is very cool as It rained throughout the night here in the part of Lagos where I'm living. Almost everyone in Lagos has been clamouring for serene atmospheric weather as it has been so hot in the past few months. Most times I had to bathe almost seven times in one night just to stay cooler.

It seems God has decided to hear our prayer on this issue of having cool weather. As it rained throughout the night. The long hands of rain extended to this morning as it lasted for about 10 hours more and it was heavy. It rained cat and dog. Right now, everywhere is cool and calm. Many motorists have decided to stay away from the road. Even human activities are reduced today.

As an educator, I have no excuse to be away from work even though it rained heavily. I had to improvise as the umbrella didn't work due to the heavy hand of the rain. I got to work later than the usual time I usually get to work.

At work, we couldn't do the assembly, I had to gather some available students in one classroom and do the morning devotion as they got ready for the day exercise. The period is majorly examination and extracurricular activities oriented. Our SS3 students are writing their WAEC which often involves having some teacher invigilate the examination. This at times hinders teachers from teaching the junior ones as they are already engaged in other necessary tasks.

Today, I didn't expect the supervisor to come early due to the heavy rainfall but I was surprised when I saw him approaching from the gate. The students that were supposed to write the examination were not all present.
Many of them attributed their late coming to the heavy hand of the rain and the latter excuse was that they didn’t get vehicles on time.

After the first paper, I had to go to my office and prepare hot tea before I could get myself. As I'm writing this, I'm still at work invigilating the student for the second paper of the day.

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 29 days ago  

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All images belong to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva

I will check it out. Thanks for letting me know this.
