Getting to know new coffee brands

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Good sweetened coffee, delicious is more than a thousand kisses, sweet tastes like muscatel wine, coffee, yes, it is coffee that I want! And whoever wishes to give me a taste of an exquisite beverage, come and offer me a cup of coffee.

Johann Sebastian Bach

Hello coffee-scented and coffee-flavored community, delighted to greet you again and wish you a prosperous and blessed week.
On this occasion I would like to share with you my visit to an establishment
I would like to share with you my visit to a commercial establishment well known in the city for its great variety and quality of products, as well as for its excellent prices that fit our pockets.

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In my tour of the place I was fascinated by the aisle where you can get a great variety of coffee that fits both the pocket and the palate. In this opportunity I was able to see new brands of coffee that I honestly have not tried and did not know. I hope in the near future to buy some of these to prepare and share my experience in terms of flavor and aroma. As my grandfather used to say: Coffee is the drink of the gods as long as it is drunk with love.

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In this beautiful journey through the supermarket, the flavor and aroma of coffee permeated all the aisles because that day they were promoting a brand of coffee and had placed a shelf with the preparation of this product.
As is to be expected when talking about coffee many people approached the site and obviously they gave a small sample which was very tasty which made many people buy the product.

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Among the great variety of brands that I saw that day, I was surprised to see again the Anzoátegui coffee, which reminded me of my childhood, since it was one of the best known in the country.

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Finally, I hope to soon be able to prepare and share with you a delicious and aromatic coffee with one of these brands. Greetings and blessings!

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Translated with

                  All images are my own, dividers courtesy of @kattycrochet.

             Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, divisores cortesía de @kattycrochet.
 27 days ago  

Hello there!

It's great to see you stop by. Here's a coffee on the house.

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Have a Coffee-Licious Day
From the Cinnamon Cup Coffee team.🤗

Photo and logo is the property of millycf1976. The image was edited in Canva.

Hi, thanks a lot for the suggestion, but, I always visit other authors' posts and support them. Regards

Wide variety of brands that can be found in your city. I have heard very good comments about several of these coffee.

Thanks for sharing your coffee experience.☕

Excellent day.

Happy afternoon, thank you very much for stopping by and commenting

There is no doubt that diversity is the best way to taste.... Excellent post to share, I really loved it.

Thank you dear for stopping by and commenting

I think it is a smart commerce strategy to put samples of the products. One of the reasons that has held me back from trying new coffees is not being certain that they will be drinkable. In our country, as you know, coffee is not usually cheap.

What a great variety of coffees. I have tried several, such as El Nuevo Amanecer and also the Anzoategui, excellent! I liked the photos. Cheers!

Thank you very much for your visit and comment