Coffee And World Domination

"Yes, Satan. I want revenge as badly as you do. These humans will never learn to live and let live," replied a gorgeous young woman. She was dressed entirely in black silk, and had jet black hair. Daintily, the petite woman stirred some sugar into her coffee, then sighed in pleasure as she sipped the delicious liquid.

"As do I. My pack has been hunted mercilessly," agreed a man in his twenties. His predatory grin was reflected perfectly in his strong black coffee. He took a long, satisfying drink then put his elbows firmly on the huge oak table.

"I just want some human brains to go with my coffee," mourned an older man. His lifeless eyes focused on his cup, but he didn't reach for it.

"Then we will all strike at once, as soon as the moon rises," announced Satan.

"But it's not going to work. They aren't limited to stones, arrows, and torches any more. They have guns, tanks, missiles, and worse," insisted Calla, the strongest witch alive, as she adjusted her almost sheer black silk blouse.

"We're going to hunt in the middle of one of their territories, on the night that their young run wild in costumes. Do you think they'll sit idly by, and let us pick them off?" asked the young man, as he stretched out a hand, which immediately turned into a gigantic paw.

"I don't care what they do, I just want to eat," added the zombie, in a dull but earnest voice.

"Trust me, this will work. And once my legions are free, we will never have to hide again," announced Satan.

"Oh, right. While we're taking all the risks, you'll be invisible. After you get close to the museum, you'll possess some poor security guard before they sign in, then go get the relic," said Calla with contempt.

"It's not my fault that I'm the only one who can operate the Cosmolocator, is it?" Satan asked smoothly.

Calla and the werewolf looked at each other. The zombie simply continued to stare at his coffee cup.

"How about you get it first, then we attack," suggested the young man.

"I agree with Trev," replied Calla.

Satan blinked, momentarily taken aback. Then he composed himself, and narrowed his eyes. "And how about you, Fred? Do you want to wait until I get the Cosmolocator to have some tasty children's brains?" he asked.

"No! I want them now!" Fred declared.

"Well then, it seems as though we have a tie," Satan said thoughtfully.

"Then I think we should each do as we wish," suggested Calla reasonably.

"That won't do, friends... unless there is enough chaos, I won't have time to activate the Cosmolocator before I am interrupted. And any interruption will result in my being sent back," Satan replied.

"Then why not just take it, and do the activation spell elsewhere?" Trev asked.

"I need the Sabbi Stone to complete the process. It's in the same exhibit as the Cosmolocator, and weighs just under a ton. I can't exactly put it in a sack," replied Satan.

"I want brains," Fred reminded the group.

"So we must decide how to proceed," acknowledged Satan with a nod to Fred. "Shall we flip a coin to see if my plan is to be executed?" he asked, producing a gleaming piece of silver.

"Ugh - not that one!" Trev exclaimed, recoiling.

"Oh, right. Werewolf and silver," Satan said apologetically, as he quickly pocketed it.

"You can use mine," Trev replied shakily, as he pulled out a small golden coin.

Calla took it and examined both sides. "A wolf and a moon? How original," she said sarcastically, as she handed it back.

"Moon or wolf?" Trev asked, as the coin flew into the air.

"Moon!" Calla shouted before it landed on the table, and began to spin. It finally stopped, and turned on its side, to reveal an intricate golden wolf.

Satan grinned happily. "I guess we will begin at moonrise!"

To be continued!


Cover image made in Canva using their gallery


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 2 years ago  

Meow 😸

The dialogue was puuuuurrrrrrfect !

Thanks so much for your purrfect comment🐈

!PIZZA !ALIVE !LOL !PIMP !hivebits

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@wrestlingdesires just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @millycf1976.
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Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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 2 years ago  


🍕 PIZZA Party!

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Please vote for pizza.witness!

 2 years ago  

Not so kucky for the werewolf, even though a wolf coin was used lol


True! And maybe not so lucky for our world either 🤣

Will part two be allowed in this community, by the way? I saw something about entries that don't qualify being muted 😲


 2 years ago  

Well, you can't use the #spillthebeans tag. That would get it muted because it would conflict with the next weeks prompt and we mute all late entries.

Technically you can post any coffee related post in the community and people do sometimes do creative writing posts about coffee, but in my experience I'd say that they generally don't do as well in the community. They don't always get read to the same extent as during the Spillthebeans prompt.

Basically, I'm not going to say that you can't but I'm also not going to enthusiasticly recommend it lol. It's up to you how you want to proceed haha. @millycf1976 might have more to say on the matter thoug...

 2 years ago (edited) 

That's a good explanation @wrestlingdesires.

Also, we try not to compete with other dedicated writing communities such as The Inkwell & Writers Inn (those are fresh in my mind).
Our prompts are designed as a regular community event to keep members active and to attract new authors.

you can't use the #spillthebeans tag ✅
They don't always get read to the same extent as during the Spillthebeans prompt.✅

I've observed/experienced the same as Leaky:)

Another option would be to use the #coffeefiction tag or just #coffee if you should decide to produce part 2 in another writing community... Awesome stories tend to catch my eye and vice versa 😉

Thanks so much 🙌 I'll be using #coffeefiction for it, in Scholar And Scribe :) How is your vacation going??? I hope home is all you wished for, and more :)

!PIZZA !ALIVE !LOL !PIMP !hivebits

You must be killin' it out here!
@wrestlingdesires just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @millycf1976.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@millycf1976! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

 2 years ago  

Hey there!

I'm doing well. There was some delay, so I'll fly next week. I'm looking forward to it very much.

Ah, I forgot about Scholar and Scribe community, so thanks for reminding me about it.
Make sure to look out for our other prompts, the next one should be quite different, and maybe it could work with the story that you have in mind.
The prompts are normally released on Sunday.
Have a nice day:)

I hope you have a fun and safe trip :)

I'll definitely keep my eyes open for the prompt, thanks so much 🙌 I've never seen any fiction from you, do you write stories?


Thanks so much 🙌 I think I'll probably follow Milly's advice, and use the #coffeefiction tag, while posting it in Scholar And Scribe :) ... The Inkwell doesn't accept series, but I will definitely be writing for this week's prompt :) ...


@leaky20! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @wrestlingdesires. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I'm in a club for kids who love math.
We are called the Algebros.

Credit: theabsolute
@leaky20, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @wrestlingdesires

Are You Ready for some $FUN? Learn about LOLZ's new FUN tribe!

I find your story funny and interesting, @wrestlingdesires. The devil takes advantage of the zombie for world domination while the zombie only cares for 'brains'! 😃😃

Thanks so much for your kind words 🙌

Maybe that zombie needs some brains 🤣

Yay! 🤗
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Thanks so much 🙌

Love the setting so far.

Thank you 🙌

This was really cool
I was engrossed in the dialogue and this was cut short when I heard to be continued....
Such an interesting piece, Ill try to check back so that I dont miss out the end.

came through dreemport.

And I'll try to remember to tag you, thanks for enjoying it 🙌