Coffee slush / Granizado de café


Hello everybody. Today I will explain how I do to enjoy a good iced coffee in summer without having to wait too long for it to cool down or without watering it down with ice.

The coffee I buy is Arabica beans and natural roast. The coffee maker I use is an Italian coffee maker. I do not put sugar, I put a little honey, not much. This time the honey is orange tree honey. It is a soft honey that does not eat away the flavor of the coffee. Others do. I put it in a glass jar so that it can be tempered and then put it in the refrigerator.

After a while in the fridge it is cool and you can drink it. As I like it slushy I have a few glasses in the freezer ready. I take one and put the cold coffee in it.

This glass goes back to the freezer and after 15-20 minutes it is already slushy. A real pleasure when the temperature in the street is 34ºC and 65% humidity.

Hola a todo el mundo. Hoy explicaré como hago para disfrutar en verano de un buen café helado sin tener que esperar mucho para que se enfríe o sin aguarlo con hielo.

El café que compro es Arabica en grano y tueste natural. La cafetera que utilizo es una cafetera italiana. No le pongo azúcar, le pongo un poco de miel, no mucha. En esta ocasión la miel es de naranjo. Es una miel suave que no se come el sabor del café. Otras sí. Lo pongo en un frasco de cristal para que se atempere y luego ponerlo en la nevera.

Después de una rato en la nevera ya está fresco y se puede tomar. Como a mi me gusta granizado tengo unos cuanto vasos en el congelador preparados. Cojo uno y le pongo el café frío.

Este vaso va otra vez al congelador y después de 15-20 minutos ya está granizado. Un auténtico placer cuando la temperatura en la calle es de 34ºC y un 65% de humedad.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu

 last year  

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From: The Coffee Team

The Stylish Diva & The Coffee Goddess

I have never tried cold coffee, I know they prepare it this way but I have not had the opportunity to try it. I have been left with the restlessness of your publication and I am encouraging me to do it. Saludos 🤗

Hola 🙂. I saw it made by a person who had a bar and he made it like this but in industrial quantities. He had a freezer full of coffee cups.
If you dare to try it I hope you tell us the experience.

We are definitely in ice coffee season. I’m still drinking mine hot though. I should get the ice tray out of storage :D

I used to drink it hot until a few days ago when I started sweating when I was drinking coffee. I thought: it's time for iced coffee.