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RE: Can a Rotten Sunday still be Sublime and Beautiful

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

Mother board and hard disk are the biggest killer. I had a laptop when I worked at Oracle and and issue. The lady from IT called it in and she said they change the hard disk. I died after a while and I brought it in again. She later told me she think this time the hard disk is new. She told me she suspected the previous hard disk wasn't based on the packaging in the later hard disk. Anyway, it still died after a while and I brought in again and she had the vendor come in and they changed the whole mother board.


Yeah I dont understand what happens to a motherboard, but they have a 3 year warranty for some reason I guess.

Most corporate either has a 3 year warranty on their PC/laptops and are on a 3 year lease nowadays here.
So, usually after a few years, the device is changed even if it is still working.