Sublime Sunday-My So Wonderful and Marvelous Mother Nature! Truly Magnificent!

in SublimeSunday29 days ago

Hello Everyone, this Sublime Sunday is absolutely and definitely a Beautiful Sunday... Indeed! for multiple reasons!!! Nature lets you rejoice! In the most wonderful manner and you got to believe it! Trust me!!!

Quite interestingly, being in the lap of #nature and truly enjoying its sheer beauty, is literally a profoundly rejuvenating experience, on the whole... Try it out!!! Every time you will feel an extremely unique experience.

Nature offers you to freely reconnect with the most simpler, yet profoundly beautiful and marvelous aspects of #life.

The peculiar form of rustling of leaves, the melodious chirping of birds, and the extremely gentle flow of a stream...truly create a beautiful symphony of sounds...that absolutely soothes the mind and soul and pleases your senses! Its 100% relaxing to the core! Just feel it... Go with the flow!!! :)

Briskly...walking through a dense forest...woods, naturally feeling the softness of earth beneath your feet, & openly breathing in the fresh...fresh, crisp air with the forest fragrance, can possibly...significantly reduce your stress levels & greatly enhance your overall well-being.

Moreover, the visual splendor of nature is absolutely awe-inspiring, totally breathtaking and super magnificent!!! You won't believe how the time will just pass by very quickly... In the lap of nature.

The majestic sight of #mountains, those beautiful clouds...white and dark grey, roaming and roaring the rising against the vast sky, marvelously remind us of the world's inherent beauty, beyond any boundaries & this is indeed just so brilliant!!!!

These captivating and breathtaking experiences, remarkably foster a sense of great wonder & total gratitude, lovingly encouraging mindfulness & sheer presence.

Moreover...interacting with nature also greatly promotes your physical health and endurance through several physical activities like walking, trekking, hiking, camping and above all...swimming.

Eventually, spending great time in and with nature, wonderfully nurtures the your mind, your body, and lift your spirit in the cheerful manner, beautifully reminding us of our own place within the greater and larger tapestry of life and bravely encouraging all of us to purely enjoy, cherish and protect all the natural resources in the world. Its our first duty to protect and conserve our natural resources in the best possible way, we can! With all the love and care!!!

Here are couple of nature shots for all of you, lovely hivers! Enjoy watching them, filled with love, joy and happiness!









The mesmerising beauty of wonderful #flowers blossoming and gracefully blooming leave a powerful impact on your mind, body & soul. No matter how shortlived, they don't forget to smile and make every effort to bring all the happiness, beauty and smiles... In our lives!

Sublime & Beautiful Shot of the day!


Such a beauty of a #flower

Your soft petals kiss my soul
That velvet touch kisses my heart
We are so close, yet miles apart
You are giving, i am selfish
You are smiling, always!
I am complaining... always!!!
Please, teach me to live a forever giving, in life, just be my side... Always & Forever!!!

Much love!!!❤

Hope you liked the captures and enjoyed watching them.

Thank you,

This post is for #sublimesunday initiated by @c0ff33a

This post is also for #beautifulsunday initiated by @ace108


Hive, one perfect place to be for all your creativity flying freely and exploring all beyond boundaries with total enchantment, excitement and fascination, that is liked and appreciated by one and all from the amazing Hive Community!!!

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Let your creative juices... flow in the most suitable and subtle manner!!!

Brings the best out of You!!! Definitely... It does!!!

With lots of love


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Great view of the mountains and valley there.