
Wow! This is just awesome! You definitely have more than just one talent! These photos are amazing!

I could even smell the smoke looking at these photos. At least I think it wasn't as cold as it would be if was the fog... Am I right?

Two photos didn't load fully (only halfway), so I'll be back tomorrow to see if I can view them in all their glory!

One thing I always find beautiful after fires like these is the beginning of new life when it comes back. That green that starts coming through is just great...

Thanks for letting me know about this post!

i thought it was TOTALLY as cool as fog hahahaha
but not as chilly hehehehehe

i'm glad you could smell it!!! i love when photos do that! hahahahaha

oh - sometimes when they don't load - reload the page... i've been noticing that too - think its Hive

and i love that regrowth too - that rebirth! love it!!!! hehehe thanks for visiting!

i thought it was TOTALLY as cool as fog hahahaha
but not as chilly hehehehehe

I like!

oh - sometimes when they don't load - reload the page... i've been noticing that too - think its Hive

I reloaded several times...didn't work.

I'm going back there now to have a look again!