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RE: 🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 by @c0ff33a - Close Encounters Of Nature And The Wilderness In Vienna

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

well! you must be a lover of purple flowers like me hahahahaha
so much purple - it made me happy!!!! hehehehe

you know what??? recently I saw a GIANT dandelion too!!! and I told my daughter - come look - its a dandelion!

she said no its not - its too big - but i said no look closely hahahah its really a dandelion!

i had never seen one so big before either! I wonder why you and I both spotted these! :)

your pictures are so lovely! and I thank you for sharing your beauty with us today!!!! :)

I'm loving this tag more and more by @c0ff33a!! hehehe


Hi Hello @dreemsteem dear! Yes I love pink and violet flowers...three oil paintings on various flowers I did were also with the hues of pink, violet and blue.. we may have the same taste. Thanks for visiting and for your remarkable comment.. Have a lovely and great week ahead.