🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 by @c0ff33a - Close Encounters Of Nature And The Wilderness In Vienna

in SublimeSunday3 years ago (edited)

A Sublime Sunday So Beautiful For The Mind and Soul.... July 4, 2021 Edition

Hi guys!

This is my first time posting in this community after a long hiatus. I am glad to be back here and I am sharing an adventure I just had today and the other day. We have a hot weather now, so I thought of making a small walk around our vicinity after lunch which was the best time to make efforts to move after munching those food I cooked.


Hubby was not in his elements to take a walk because it was hot at 27°C. Although we´ve had hotter days between 30 °C- 33°C the week before, it still kind of hot at 27°C and not only hat, so humid that you´d like to take a shower 3 times a day.


I have been walking here in the National Park every time I get the chance. The crystal clear water are so beautiful and everything is green and the moment you enter the area, you would feel mesmerized by all those reflections of trees on the water.


Bountiful Wildflowers...

Along the way, there were wildflowers, some images of which were snapped by me with my phone camera and added in this post. The pathway is also a biking route on the way to the Donau Auen National Park which is not so far away from our home.


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The field on the left of the pathway is planted with onions while the other side to my right , the wheat are ready to be harvested anytime soon.


I loved the white clouds against the blue backdrop of the sky which only meant that rain wasn´t to be foreseen.



Along the onions rows, I have noticed some cannabis plants in between growing which I thought to be hemp. Hemp is a common crop here in Austria used to produce various articles like CBD oil, clothing, twines to name a few.


These thistles are in abundance in the area, they attract many bees as well as other insects and they will never dare to go down the stalks because of the thorns. At one time when we were still living in our former house, I would cut these and arranged them with other wildflowers. When they bloom, it is so amazing with its lovely pink color, so pretty! So whenever I walked Lily, the chihuahua (RIP May 1920). I always brought with me a pair gloves and a cutter.


This dandelion is so huge that I was in awe because I have only seen small round ones. It must be another variety of dandelions.



Wildflowers were really in abundance as well as the insects that were enjoying to sip the nectars of the flowers. In the pathway, they have erected an insect hotel so the insects could dwell inside it during cold season.




Giant trees ...

What a feeling seeing these big trees that I felt like a dwarf standing beneath them. One can always feel the enchantment of the forest and this is so good for those seeking peace, to contemplate, de-stress as well as to rejuvenate the mind and discard negativity.


Today is a peaceful Sunday, hope everyone will have a great week ahead!


All images are owned by @mers

GIF by @Gremayo.gif

GIF by @gremayo

well! you must be a lover of purple flowers like me hahahahaha
so much purple - it made me happy!!!! hehehehe

you know what??? recently I saw a GIANT dandelion too!!! and I told my daughter - come look - its a dandelion!

she said no its not - its too big - but i said no look closely hahahah its really a dandelion!

i had never seen one so big before either! I wonder why you and I both spotted these! :)

your pictures are so lovely! and I thank you for sharing your beauty with us today!!!! :)

I'm loving this tag more and more by @c0ff33a!! hehehe

Hi Hello @dreemsteem dear! Yes I love pink and violet flowers...three oil paintings on various flowers I did were also with the hues of pink, violet and blue.. we may have the same taste. Thanks for visiting and for your remarkable comment.. Have a lovely and great week ahead.

I really like the place. I realized how God made a perfect world. I hope I could go in your place ate Mers.

Yep, who knows one day you'd visit us here. You are still young you should enjoy your time.. Cheers!

Yes ate Mers.. 😊

As always mapa wow gyud sa post nimo as in.The place, nature,ang flower shots! As in Nindot kaayo.

Daghan salamat Jude! Hehehe. Daghan nice places diri pure nature...

Hi @mers,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

Thank you for curating. I may not be from the UK, but I have many relatives in London. Cheers!

Good capture of nature's best! Ang Ganda! Thanks for sharing @mers! How are you my friend?

I am fine darl, just too much work to do, busy as ever since I came back from Germany... Hope you are doing fine too!Thanks for your visit.