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RE: 4th of July Nature Walk

in SublimeSunday3 years ago

heheheeh well they seem like VERY clear to me!!!! hahahaha

maybe grab a salt lick for the deer! LOLOL

we used to wake up to about 20 deer on our front lawn everyday. they were so used to us - they barely moved if we walked past ahahahahaha

turkeys too.

bobcats were skittish.

the mountain lions used to come up to the back porch to eat our cat food that we left out for our 3 outdoor cats hahahaha the only thing we saw of them was their pawprints in the snow LOL

the only animal that i wished WOULD stay away... far far away... were the skunks that ALWAYS would spray RIGHT outside our window and wake me up out of a dead sleep.

skunk spray is foul - but when its THAT CLOSE to you??? oh my gosh. It's unreal. You can't get away from it - and you can't get used to it!

You know how most other smells - if you inhale deeply a few times - you'll start to go nosedeaf to it???? nope. hours of sleeplessness because of that darn skunk! hahahahahah


Funny you mention skunks I just got back from a night walk and a whole family of them literally walked under my feet. I'll post a video of it on 3speak soon and tag you in it. One of the babies even stopped to sniff my fiance's shoe. Thankfully we aren't taking tomato soup baths right now.