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RE: Pouring over the lilacs

in SublimeSunday2 years ago

the work to grow is always worth it. Yes, there will be discomfort, but it's a glorious pain that yields the greatest thing of all, you serving this world through the magnificent act of just being authentically you.

One thing this world seems to be lacking is authenticity - historically we want to be independent, with the "no I can do it myself" attitude. And I admire this individualism for sure. But the world is becoming lazy and collectivist, "get in line", conform to the masses, support the current thing, the collective will take care of you, dependency. While I don't admire this mindset, I can understand it. We were all infants once, completely dependent for everything, when times are tough we're about ready to crawl back into a meta-womb.

So between these two extremes - we have to allow ourselves to become uncomfortable. We have to feel the pain of growth. We have to be authentic, when it would be easier to just pretend.

The more we can maintain the "I CAN" mindset, while also being humble enough to admit when we need help, the more we can survive between the individualist and collectivist mindsets. This how we develop authenticity: by exercising our strengths and improving upon our inadequacies through character building experiences. Don't pretend. View things as they are, not how we'd like them to be. Deal with reality. Seek what is REAL. Build on a foundation of truth. Be willing to let go of LIES. Do not become cynical. Decide to be happy!


As someone who adores individualism and freedom, I too am saddened by the lack of authenticity in this world and the missing expression of community.

You hit upon it all perfectly with the humility and discomfort themes, there can be no authentic growth without them, and if you are constantly conforming or posturing all arrogant, you're hiding from the greatness.

Or something like that😉

Thank you so much for the most glorious comment ever!!



Thank you so much for the most glorious comment ever!!

I have never had a comment called glorious before, thank you... I'm blushing.