Sometimes Things Turn Out Exactly As Expected


Thankfully the light colored stuff at the beach is indeed sand and not a hint of snow in sight. I have had my fill of snow to last me the rest of my life. I mean, I admit snow is pretty and all, but it sure is a bugger to deal with if you have to drive in it much!


Most the trees are now bare, well except for those stubborn oaks. They likely will try to hold on to their browned leaves till Spring. I like how Robert Frost put it in "Reluctance"

The leaves are all dead on the ground,
Save those that the oak is keeping
To ravel them one by one
And let them go scraping and creeping
Out over the crusted snow,
When others are sleeping.


Hey Friends,

I hope you are all having a beautifully sublime Sunday wherever you may be. Of course we are in the middle of what I call "fast time". Fast time of course is that period between Thanksgiving and Christmas where there is a bit of holiday cheer in the air and the days seem to rush right on by.


This is a shop that is going out of business. I have driven by many times and often wondered what it was like inside. When I saw they were to be closing for good, I decided to have a look.

The exterior was full of container plants that had been purchased from time to time, perhaps for resale I would guess.

Interestingly they even had a well stocked koi pond with a heater for year around fish friendly habitat.

Inside there were rooms that were just busting full of very eclectic offerings. Some older, some not so much.


Most pieces were well tagged. I hate having to life items just to gander at the price.

A thought that kept running through my head was how does one even go about curating the items to sell them in the first place. I imagine one would have to go to many estate sales.

It was obvious that someone had spent a lot of time as well as a good deal of cash obtaining the items. Knowing that, it was sad to me that it was going to soon be over.

While not really what I was looking for, I could appreciate that there was a someone out there that would love each piece. The prices were marked down on average 35%, but seemed rather high to me, considering it was a going out of business sale.

The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!


On a bright note, I did stop by the local Stihl dealer and buy myself an early Christmas present...a chain sharpener. Stihl notoriously is not big on flashy packaging, nor known for cheap prices. However, they are known for tools that work well and get the job done. It was $50 bucks, so it will pay for itself over time. I look forward to spending some time using this sharpener and doing a proper review on it.


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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.


Love your photos and the bit from Robert Frost's poem fit perfectly.

That store looks like somewhere I would have loved to shop. Unfortunately, if you only have things people might want and not things people absolutely need, economies like ours is now causing many people to put their wants on hold. What a shame.

Cheers to early Christmas presents ! (any excuse will do right ?)

I got the impression that they bought stuff on the cheap and then hoped to turn them for the top dollar. Like you say, money is too hard to come by these days for that to work long term.

Cool! I didnt know there is a concept of 'Fast Time' because here in the Philippines, people go straight up to the christmas festivities right after Halloween is over.

Looks like a nice cool day there. Anything after September is fast times.
Hope the chain sharpener works well.

So cool!!
Nice view!!!