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RE: A Flashy Sublime Sunday.

in SublimeSunday β€’ 2 months ago

Money well spent indeed πŸ˜…
Wait, does your landlord have solar too? If not, he is jealous πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Don't worry, he will later be charging at your place.
That's the disadvantage of being a tenant. Don't worry, you will have your own place someday.
Congratulations on your new solar panel and goodbye to electricity issue πŸ˜†
I hope this isn't too expensive?

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Hahah... The wahala is too much oooo. Being a tenant comes with too many rules and regulations in most places. For me, I don't even want anybody's drama. Haha.

The solar is quite pricy ooooo. I was lucky because they were doing promo which ended today. So, I bought everything for 270k. And, I have the installer 8,500. Haha

Hehehe. Well, when there is money, you get what you want. I hope it lasts you longer.