A Sublime Sunday Hike During First Snow

in SublimeSunday6 months ago


My #sublimesunday share, as inspired by @c0ff33a.

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Well, I did it...I went ahead an ordered a Fuji100v for myself for Christmas. Oh well...I know I could have ordered a better lens for my Canon, but I really wanted to try something different. I use my Pixel 7 Pro quite a bit for photography, but I wanted something to challenge me a bit yet stay simple. Hence the early Christmas gift I gave myself!



The idea was to get a family walk in today, but the weather was cold and raw....so the family turned aruond and headed home for hot chocolate. I weathered the cold to give the new camera a cruise around the marsh...not a bad first test, honestly.

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The snow started to come down a bit harder about 30 minutes into the hike. The light was very cold, and the new camera "sort of" captured the feel in the moment.


Winter storm clouds are the best! Especially if you can withstand the cold on your fingers when trying to snap a photo!

Thanks for checking out my #sublimesunday share. With some luck the posts will get back to normal and more consistent. And with the new camera in hand, my goal is to experiment more and more with the Fuji. It's a fun, retro style camera and I'm digging the feel and hte abilities thus far. Hopefully, I'll have a share on the new camera soon! Thanks again for checking out my photos, and I hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday too!


Some beautiful shots here man! Love the new camera, I’m trying to figure out what my next lens purchase is going to be haha. I want a macro lens I think!

Beautiful snow as well, we haven’t gotten the white stuff yet but I suspect we will in short time!

Thanks! yeah my buddy is really getting into macro stuff now and made some early christmas gifts to himself as well, lol - my hope is that I'll get more comfortable with "proper" photography with this new one and sell it to upgrade in time...that's the goal, anyway!

Eh I’m not a fan of selling if it’s a hobby type thing - unless the equipment is crazy expensive lol but we get things like lenses second hand. We found KEH camera last year through a random photographer encounter and have loved it since! We got our 24-180 I think lens there and it’s a used one. Not a bad price either!