
Delivered right on time, was hot here today 27 deg C, humid with a thunderstorm at 14h00 which has cleared and sun going down soon... Nice to see that powder white spread outdoors again!

!BEER Sundowner Time!
!LUV for the cool photography to keep me going!

Fine, I was hoping it would help 😁
It's too warm here for the snow to stay, and it's raining too, but hopefully in a month everything here will be white 🌨️❄️

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Warm through the night still above 20, hopefully some rain will return soon. We remain on same level of lockdown as more scientific evidence is being explored on new Omicron variant.

In between snow and warm days watering the ground before the big fall arrives, last of leaves will soon be gone. White Christmas I would imagine you always have one!


This new variant of the virus seems to cause a lot of headaches. We are having it here already - no restrictions can stop this virus.

We haven't had White Christmas for quite some years. Either it snows a while before and all snow is gone till Xmas or it snows later in January, but every year we hope it snows on Christmas Eve 😀

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

Oh I hope it is a white Christmas this year then you can share some amazing photographs of that white fluffy stuff and a snowman or two, perhaps a hike up the hill as well!

This virus is never going to go away, it is much like the cold and flu, at the moment a hot topic so everyone is standing alert, carry on with life it's the only one we have!


We'll see, but I want to take these photos anyway, if not at Christmas then on another day ... White Christmas would be great though 😃

After some time we will get used of it and it will be like the flu, just as you said, and you are right, we should carry on with our life and shouldn't let it disturb it.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

Perhaps I am cynical, if I think about life in general, SA children now teenagers, do not know a time in their lives of not having to deal with electricity issues (rolling blackouts), two years of covid disruptions, not life as we knew it.

Living to enjoy some life will be up to each individual having to cope with change, I hope nature gives you a special treat this year!


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