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RE: Little World | PhotoFeed Theme Contest - Macro Photography

in PhotoFeed3 years ago

Now why do I only see these goggas now? I somehow remember a fleeting look during a busy spell, but I forgot my decision to come back to it.
Must be all of those scary big insects that frightened me.
That's why I only like the mushroom photo as I fear insects 🤣

Jokes aside, some great shots here Hannes, beautiful contrasts and colors.
Luckily I got here in time to study all of them.
Well done.



Oh yes, Zac fears insects, that was a good one, but I am afraid I have no !LOLZ left 🤣🤣🤣

Thank you very much kindly als always, Zac 🤗

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

So scared of them that when I see them I call the police Hannes 🤣!LOLZ

Only a pleasure for me my friend as you post great stuff 😊

Cheers and thanks.

Haha, bad luck, I know a lot policemen and women who would run away with you 🤣

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hahaha, as long as one of the running cops isn't named Hannes 🤣!LOLZ
I am trying to build your lolz stock up.

Remember that we discussed bee swarms?
Look what happened here:

Cheers and thanks.

Haha, you may be sure that I won't be one of those cops 🤣 !LOLZ

Bees attacking people without a reason - never heard of such. That's weird.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

Hahaha, we will both stand and watch them running away, oh, and then we will take photos as usual 🤣

Bees never attack without a reason my friend, so something had to have agitated those bees and that's why the soldiers were out stinging everyone. It normally starts at the hive, so if they find the hive, then they will find the reason 😘

Cheers and thanks.

I think I will make a video because I would love to hear their screaming 😂 !LOLZ

I know that they never attack without a reason because in Summer I have stepped barefoot on quite a few when I was a kid, but I thought the Killer bees were different. It would be interesting to know what their reason was.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

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