PhotoFeed Contest - Street Photography

in PhotoFeed4 months ago


Hi, my dear friends!

For this week Street photography I decided to make an unusual selection. I defined it as "City in details". This idea came to me when I compared landscape photography and macro photography of plants. And then I thought that the city should have its own special macro. Indeed, when we talk about street photography, it's usually some stories from the life of the city. But the image of each city consists of many details that often go unnoticed.

In these photos you see Brasov. This is a wonderful ancient city with many historical elements with its interior, which create its unique image of charm. Earlier I had already published photos from Brasov, but these were panoramic pictures of streets and squares. This time I decided to go into the details.








Цікаво... Особливо ліхтар з голубом на тлі даху будинку.)))

It is incredible how many elements we can find in a city that deserve macro photography.
Beautiful shots. Thank you very much for sharing with us
Have a lovely afternoon