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RE: autumn macro etudes .:. 15 foto

in PhotoFeed2 years ago

The composition, the depth of field and autumn colors. Stunning images. I wonder how amazing it would be to visit st. Petersburg to see architecture and contemplate about a city that sunk. See an entrance on the first floor etc.


Oh, SPb is a nice city -- its historical center, all the palaces and museums etc -- excluding the weather, haha. But if we talk about the colours and all the autumn beauty -- it is not worth visiting, I mean, your local parks or forests are of the same 'quality' -- or maybe even better! 🙏 Of course, I will not try to dissuade you, on the contrary, of course, come someday, I hope that the stars will form in such a pattern in the sky that this will become possible, and we will all lead a normal life (without Putin and all these imperial manners) ... I will be extremely happy to arrange a joint photo-walk (or walks) around the city, with or without !BEER

The photowalk would be epic my friend.

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and contemplate about a city that sunk...

what do you hint here at?.. Venice?..

I read something about st Petersburg originally being build on a swamp?

More or less correct. It's not like Holland, whose territory is largely below sea level, but there are sufficient parallels... and it has not been washed away ( so far :))) but really suffered a lot from floods. During its entire history there were more than 300 floods! and several of them were Great Floods. By the end of XX century, eventually it was protected by a dam, now floods do not threaten it.
I currently work on a book about the Great Flood of 1924 (I do the layout and design of the album). I will definitely make some post about it, I have such a mass of hot photos at my disposal that my hands are just shaking from the desire to share it all :)))