Blessed Friday

in INDONESIAN HIVE2 years ago


How are you all friends, greetings of success always for all of you wherever you are.

A blessed day, on a cool Friday morning with cloudy and cold weather, the occasional gust of wind feels safe and comfortable. We read the Koran in the letter Yasin as an opening on Friday morning. This has become a routine after so long we haven't sat together like this. As a result of a pandemic that has plagued all corners of the world.

Alhamdulillah, today it seems that the virus has started to subside and the activities that have been abandoned all this time have started to appear to be alive again. The world has started to stir again, including our country Indonesia, which is located in the province of Aceh.

The students all gathered in the field. We spread mats as a place to sit by separating male and female students as a law that is continuously maintained. They sat neatly by opening their respective Korans.

Do not forget at the end of the event the principal gave direction and advice to the students to continue to study diligently, to be devoted to both parents, to respect teachers so that in the future they become good children.

Here are some moments that I managed to capture while this event was in progress







This is a short scratch on this occasion for all the shortcomings, sorry to be reproduced. Thank You

Best Regards @p3d1