Change yourself and learn to value time

in Hive Learners2 years ago

It is wise to adapt to the passage of time because change has to be made at any moment. Change brings a lot of good things in the life of a person and a lot of things lead to the loss of a person so we have to take care of the good side.

I hope all my friends are well and healthy I am also well and healthy by the infinite mercy of the Creator and I always wish you good health and well being to the Creator

Friends, today I would like to talk to you about change. Just as people cannot live in solitude, no human being can change or move on. It is very important for you to change in any organization or any place.

Change can make your life beautiful and entertaining. Maybe you think that people change after marriage. In fact, it is a misconception that people do not take time to change.

Many may have bad habits and some have good habits. I will always try to change our bad habits and to put them to good use.

Everybody has the same bad habits. If he changes these bad habits and turns them into good habits, then it is very good for him and his family and relatives are good in all respects. Many people lie. Many people have to change these habits by abusing people

I speak for myself. Before coming to this online platform I used to waste my precious time watching mobile youtube or facebook on mobile now I am making good use of the time from which I am trying to gain some knowledge and move towards earning money.

I used to sit on my mobile after finishing my daily work or cooking and eating, I used to sit on my mobile, youtube and Facebook, or I was very interested in watching movies, or the rest of the time I could spend talking to other people on my mobile, but now everything is different.

I now move to work on my online platform all the time in the daytime or in race time and try to check the notifications whenever my mobile is not in hand or try to take some instruction from different blogs I think I can come online and learn a lot. As well as got an institution

Many children in today's society are wasting their precious time in various ways. In fact, they do not know how much their time is worth. No, when we learn to understand these things, we will not find this time, so we have to be aware to have time

Time is of the essence, time is of the essence, time is of the essence, time is of the essence Maybe we will take care of it

I hope you like this short story so far today. I like you. My success. Thank you very much for reading my short story.


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