I have received my booster vaksinasi and so have you all

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Never feel weak in times of danger, hold yourself tight and strong, always be ready to deal with any kind of problem

Hi friends how are you all I hope everyone is well and healthy I am very well and healthy by the infinite mercy of the Creator and I always wish you good health and well being

We've been going through a very difficult time for the last two to three years. The Corona virus is actually a very sad and tragic thing for us because a lot of relatives have lost a lot to this virus.

Many may have lost their jobs, lost their jobs, gone through a very difficult time. We all know that the virus is a contagious disease. Many may have infected their relatives but he could not see it. May want to see the creator can exploit


Covid-19 The virus will be remembered for us because there have been some events during this time that we have never seen before or maybe our next generation will not be able to see a situation where the Creator does not show them a situation We want


The vaccine has been developed as a result of the hard work of various medical experts and we have taken the vaccine as well, but the medicine also says that there is no reason not to do it if you get the vaccine, but it is very useful to control it.

The vaccine is divided into four parts. I speak on my own. I live in Malaysia. I have taken the Cenovix vaccine. It is currently being given a booster called Pfizer Booster.


I have received my third vaccine. At present, it is our moral responsibility and duty that we take good care of ourselves and our family. We will take care of everyone from where we are. Must be used


All of you get vaccinated. Keep yourself well and your family well. Maintain social distance. Stay clean. Sanitize regularly. Use Max. We must forget. These cannot be done by us, no matter who our own people are, we must obey these rules now

Everyone will be well. Be healthy. Be yourself and keep your family healthy. We will all be vaccinated regularly.

I hope you like some of my advice so far today. Everyone will be fine. Stay healthy. Pray for me. Thank you very much for visiting my little block.


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