Who doesn't like to see yellow Gandha flowers microphotography

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Hi friends how are you all hope all is well and healthy by the grace of the creator i am very good and healthy and i always wish you good health


There are very few people who do not like marigold flower because the beauty of this flower is so beautiful that its fragrance attracts people so much that the fragrance of this flower attracts people.


Marigolds are usually cultivated in our backyard or on the site. We usually cultivate them as a hobby.


This flower is seen in different varieties or colors. It is usually bright yellow or brown. It is usually a winter flower but now it is cultivated in summer and monsoon season.


Significance depends on the size of the business. Many people depend on it for their livelihood

Flowers enhance the beauty If the scent in the middle of that beauty fascinates the human mind. Marigold flower is a favorite of many. I like it very much. We all love flowers. People who love flowers can never do anything wrong


So far today I hope you have pictures of this flower and some discussion about flowers: I like you


Your photography on this flower looks very beautiful.

 2 years ago  

Thank you

 2 years ago  

You have shared a very beautiful flower image.

 2 years ago  

Thank you brother