in Hive Learners β€’ 8 months ago (edited)


Ogbono Soup, does it have an English name,πŸ˜… Well, I found out that it is called Irginvia Gabonesis. Big name for good fruit and it's soup. Ogbono Soup is one of my best Soup. I call it one of my best because anything drawy is my best. The fruit itself and I are inseparable too. I love it, that's the one called bush mango.

Ogbono, (Irvingia Gabonesis) has health benefits such as weight management, antidiabetic properties, good for bowel movement , has antibacterial and antifungal properties etc. Just find out. But for the purpose of this post, let's get to the kitchen and make the Soup.

It can be made mixed with okro ( lady's finger), I also like to make it with other vegetables such as Ujuju πŸ˜…, ugu ( pumpkin), bitter leaf and sometimes even with ewedu leave. Ogbono can also be cooked with nothing else, just OGBONO. I love it so much.

A popular method of making Ogbono soup is by frying. You can put oil on fire, fry onions and then add the ground Ogbono, fry and start adding water and other ingredients. However, there is a method I prefer, here is it below. First let's get the ingredients. Less I forget, this is a minimalist kind of Soup please. Sapa Ogbono Soup. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…



  1. Ground Ogbono
  2. Fish ( Different types or meat)
  3. Palm oil
  4. Pepper
  5. Seasonings
  6. Vegetables ( Pumpkin)
  7. Water


STEP 1. Wash all the ingredients and cut the ones that needs to be cut. ( Fish, vegetables etc)

STEP. 2. Fry the fish. This is optional, depending on the type of fish used. Some fishes such as stock fish need no frying. Just boil, and like dry cat fish just need washing.

STEP3. Put water into a pot and put on fire.


STEP 4. Add the washed fish(es). If you are using meat, parboil the meat or stock fish. Add a little more water to the broth.


STEP 5. Add palm oil , pepper and seasonings. Cover and bring to a boil.





STEP 6. Add palm oil to the ground Ogbono and place on the cover of pot to melt. Some place in a hot water too to melt.


STEP 7. Add the Ogbono to the boiling soup and stir.




STEP 8. Do not cover. Allow to boil for 10-15minute until the Ogbono is dissolved completely. If the soup is very thick, add a little more water. I don't add water, instead I cover it for a minute. That way, it loosens up the thickness.


STEP 9. Add the washed vegetable and stir. Allow to boil for 5minutes.


STEP 10. Taste for salt, pepper or and other ingredient. Add if you want but if not, your Ogbono soup is ready.

I made semolina, just to pour into a boiling water and stir well.



All images are mine.

So, would you be trying this method? What method do you prefer and what swallow is your best with this soup?

Thanks for checking up on me.


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Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

This is looks yummy πŸ˜‹ although I never knew ogbono can be mixed in oil first before pouring into the pot of soup, that's nice! I learnt something new from your procedure.

Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I mix it with oil and melt in hot water. Just to put the bottom of the bowl in hot water and it melts. Then pour in the boiling soup pot and that's it. Thanks for reading πŸ‘

You haff come again with peppering me o. You now made this delicious soup and swallow to go with it and you didn't invite me......chai

The soup looks good and I am sure it will be delicious as well. Madam cook your procedure was also nice...take care

Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

Hahahaha, that's why I said it's another method. Thanks for the visit. I invited you already. πŸ˜…

Alright ooo

This is my favourite method of making Ogbono soup and I'm just hungry reading this post o..... lol

Β 8 months agoΒ Β 

Na so. Neke Nnem kusim o. Nani ko unu ri o? Daaru

Wow, with a well pounded yam to go with ogbono soup, this is yummy, and a testy food, thank you for ogbono soup

Β 7 months agoΒ Β 

Thanks for stopping by. It goes with different kinds of swallow πŸ˜…

Ogbono mixed with okro soup is one of my husband's favorites, my own favorite is achi soup do you know that one?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Β 7 months agoΒ Β 

I love achi soup. I learnt to make and eat achi's soup when I was living with my elder brother. His igbo wife introduced me to a lot of Igbo delicacies, there was one she also makes with achara. (The soft root of lemon grass)πŸ˜…. As for your husband's love for okro and Ogbono, he is really my fan on that. I live that soup especially when made with plenty stock fish πŸ˜…. Thanks for coming here, Sis

Ok naa, you will marry Igbo man since you know most of our quality and deliciously topnotch delicacies πŸ˜‚

Β 7 months agoΒ Β 

Hahaha, I already married a Yoruba man o. But I am treating him to Igbo delicacies. Hahaha

Beautiful, hold him tight with all Igbo delicacies you have learned, infact, learn more,

do you know how to make abacha, ugba, nkwobi, isi ewu, pepper soup??, na all these fringe benefits go makam stand and πŸ’• you, gidigba πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, take care my dear!