 8 months ago  

Thanks for stopping by. It goes with different kinds of swallow 😅

Ogbono mixed with okro soup is one of my husband's favorites, my own favorite is achi soup do you know that one?😂😂

 8 months ago  

I love achi soup. I learnt to make and eat achi's soup when I was living with my elder brother. His igbo wife introduced me to a lot of Igbo delicacies, there was one she also makes with achara. (The soft root of lemon grass)😅. As for your husband's love for okro and Ogbono, he is really my fan on that. I live that soup especially when made with plenty stock fish 😅. Thanks for coming here, Sis

Ok naa, you will marry Igbo man since you know most of our quality and deliciously topnotch delicacies 😂

 8 months ago  

Hahaha, I already married a Yoruba man o. But I am treating him to Igbo delicacies. Hahaha

Beautiful, hold him tight with all Igbo delicacies you have learned, infact, learn more,

do you know how to make abacha, ugba, nkwobi, isi ewu, pepper soup??, na all these fringe benefits go makam stand and 💕 you, gidigba 😂😂😂😂😂, take care my dear!

 8 months ago (edited) 

Hahahaha. I know some and make it For him . Only that ingredients are expensive so I sometimes I do it my minimalistic way. 😅😅