in Hive Learners2 years ago

Acquiring knowledge is never easy and it is possible to acquire knowledge through hard austerities and hard work. If we do not acquire knowledge then our life has no value and knowledge plays an important role in the life of every human being. There is a lot of superstition among those who cannot acquire knowledge and superstition is removed from the mind of man only when man can acquire knowledge. Humans are the best creatures on earth and humans have the ability to acquire knowledge. Other creatures do not have the ability to acquire knowledge, so man is said to be the best creature on earth. The lives of those who cannot acquire knowledge are in vain.



If we look at the great people, we will see that they have acquired knowledge, a lot of pursuit and patience. That is why their life is considered to be successful. So in order to make our life successful, we must acquire knowledge. Everything we can write because we have acquired knowledge. If I had not been educated, I would not have been able to write this post in a beautiful way. To do any work in the world we need to acquire knowledge and if one does not acquire knowledge then no work can be completed well.



Therefore, it can be said that all of us have to acquire knowledge and if we do not acquire knowledge, our life will fail. We can never be successful without learning. As far as I know, I have shared it with you and I hope you can learn something from it.



10% Beneficiaries To @lazy-panda

 2 years ago  

Life is an unending circle of learning
We should learn and relearn everyday

I loved it, superb Article

 2 years ago  

Thank you very much dear for your great opinion