Age does not matter getting education.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

There are many people in our society who are a little older and they are ashamed to get education but it is not right. Because age does not matter in getting education. People of any age can get education and there is no end to education. However, people have learned to understand this and now there are many people who are older but they are trying to get an education. They are trying to increase their self esteem to the people of our society by getting education. Now many have succeeded in this way.



But there are some people who are still ashamed to get an education for old age and there are some people in our society who are hindering their education. There are many who criticize older people and because of this many older people do not want to get education. We should all encourage them and ensure that they get the right education.



I am sharing with you what I have actually learned and I hope you can learn a lot by reading this post. Everyone should keep an eye on the people around you so that they can get education. Then we can build a beautiful society.




Yes you're right, if people encourage and give them support the world would be a better place for us

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your opinion

You're welcome

 2 years ago  

yes, you are right my brother, in my opinion it is never too late or too old to learn. For me, learning knows no age.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for your opinion