in Hive Learners3 years ago

So much has been created in the world because it was needed, and if it were not needed, we would not have had so much in this world. The people of the world are now comfortable. Everyone wants to live their life comfortably and needs different things to live a comfortable life. And new things are created for this need. If it weren't for the need, we wouldn't see new things. At the beginning of the world human needs were much less and gradually human needs increased. Since then new things have been discovered.



Bus-train-launches and more have been created for people to travel far. Airplanes have been invented to get somewhere very quickly. The school college was created when people realized that they needed education. When people realized that they needed treatment, different hospitals and different equipment for treatment were created. In this way human needs are increasing and new things are being discovered. If there was no need, so much would never have been discovered.



If people did not feel the need of the past, we would not be able to live so comfortably today. Mobile and internet were invented because it was needed. If it weren't for the invention of mobile and internet, I wouldn't be able to share this post with you today. So we can now easily say that so many discoveries have been made on earth because of the need. I have shared with you as much as I know and I hope you have learned something from this post

