TRADITIONL BELIEFS - stop such irrational beliefs

in Hive Learners2 years ago

How are you friends? I hope you are all well. Friends, today I will discuss with you a traditional belief and this belief is more prevalent among the people in the rural areas of my country. This is a completely irrational belief and I do not rely on this belief at all. There are some people in the village who blindly believe it and because of this belief they have to face various problems in future. The traditional belief i will discuss today is the belief in ghosts. This belief is not only among the people of rural areas but also among the people of urban areas. However, this belief is much more prevalent in the villages than in the cities.



Some people in our country believe that when a person dies, his soul becomes a ghost and wanders around us. They think that ghosts live around them and under certain trees. They think that they are wandering around to harm them and there are many who do think that it can enter our body. So they go to different occultists to protect themselves from ghosts. Then occultists takes advantage of the simplicity of those simple people and collects money from them. Going to those occultists does not benefit the people but they harm the people in various ways. They talk about exorcism, they treat people very badly, and they beat people with different kinds of sticks. By doing this, some of the good people make sick. This irrational belief causes a lot of harm to people and at the present time this belief has come down a lot. However, this scene can be seen in many places in rural areas.





To me, this belief is completely irrational and many of our country have suffered as a result of this belief. At present, this belief has been greatly diminished, but in some places it is still seen. We should all stop such irrational beliefs and build a beautiful society.

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 2 years ago  

Believing in ghost living around them? That's irrational indeed, and it will end up creating unnecessary fear within

 2 years ago  

Absolutely right my dear and thank you very much for your opinion.

 2 years ago  

You are welcome my dear.

 2 years ago  


 2 years ago  

in my place the belief in ghosts was created by shamans and psychics. but in reality and in our beliefs the ghost still exists.

 2 years ago  

I don't believe ghost and thank you very much for your own opinion

This is not good at all, people have to be enlightened or they will keep on taking advantage of them.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 2 years ago  

We all need to be aware and thank you very much for expressing your views here. Do people in your area believe in ghosts?

 2 years ago  

when I was a child I felt great fear because of this kind of belief.😁

 2 years ago  

I also

 2 years ago  

I myself do not believe about it, everyone who dies becomes a ghost, I agree with your opinion that this tradition should be abolished

 2 years ago  

Yes my dear,it is very bad for our society and I also not believe this.

Thank you very much for your own opinion