Eating Veggies

in Hive Learners5 months ago

There is a random saying, which is “Health is wealth” There is one thing to being wealthy and having terrible health. You will end up spending your money just to feel better. Most people underestimate how great good health is. It is only a wise man that would take proper care of his health. Only a healthy person can make money because if you are not healthy how do you have the strength to make more money? So we need good health.

There are several health tips that most people overlook especially in a generation like this where everyone is looking for one way or another to make money. We tend to forget how important it is that we stay in good health. Even as students we get so clouded with making good grades that we forget we need to take care of our health.

Design by me using Canva

I thought I had a very strong immune system, so growing up I neglected my health so well because I hid under the shadow of I have a strong immune system so in everything I won’t fall sick or anything. But then I learned my lesson the hard way.

There was a certain time in high school when we had to go to a competition, and as usual, we were all worked up due to the preparation. Well the day came for the competition and we finally left, we went for the competition and then we came out successful. On getting back to school, we had our school director give us a speech and also a congratulatory message.

I was super weak and I was feeling sick already, I thought it was a result of stress but then I wondered why I was feeling that weak because I knew for certain that I had enough sleep and I just finished eating and I took water. He was still giving his speech when I was about to leave the hall and I fainted. I was quickly rushed to the school's private hospital where I recovered, they ran some tests, and then when the results came out. I had a weakened immune system.

The doctor asked me a series of questions and that was when he realized I don’t eat vegetables. Well, I was a picky eater, and he told me how the lack of vegetables in my body brought me to this point of having a weakened immune system.



I think this is one thing most people do not know about. Eating Vegetables also contributes to good health.
There is so much importance in eating Vegetables. There are so many essential nutrients and also vitamins that are found in vegetables and that is what our body needs to function. Most people have zero knowledge of how vegetables are important to the body. Vegetables also provide the body with antioxidants that help protect the cells from damage.


During the period I was with the doctor, the told me how not eating vegetables could also lead to something more severe than a weakened immune system. He explained to me how a lack of vegetables could also lead to most chronic illnesses such as heart disease and even most cancers. It could contribute to nutrient deficiencies and also digestive problems.

So right now I will always advise people not to overlook eating Vegetables as that is one important health tip.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Eating veggies has so many health benefits and at the end of the day, it saves us money and time.

Thanks for sharing this tip, I popped in from Dreemport because I am an awesome #dreemerforlife.

 5 months ago  

Thank you so much☺️

 5 months ago  

Veges are usually a part of my daily meals. What I miss more is enjoying variety of fruits everyday. I usually feel great with them, especially bananas. What's your favourite fruit? I found this gem on Dreemport. #dreemerforlife

 5 months ago  

I think banana is great, I’m also a lover of fruits. My favorite is Apple☺️☺️

 5 months ago  

Thank God it wasn't a severe case.
Vegetables and fruits are underrated, but as for me I love my vegetables and fruits alot. Maybe because growing up we had so many fruits and vegetables in our compound.

 5 months ago  

I was always scared of vegetables it made me feel like a goat😂😂😂

 5 months ago  

Oh no😂💔, thank God you love them now

Each time I try turning a new leave it's hard
I naturally hate veggies
But I guess from now on I'll try

Thanks for sharing

 5 months ago  

Yes, you could try some carrots and tomatoes too.

Thank you so much☺️

 5 months ago  

This health tip right here is so true. Veggies are so so important and the importance can’t be over exaggerated. One has to consciously make effort to include it in one’s diet.

For me, I am always scared of eating vegetable soups because I don’t get to digest it on time, even with the fact that it is supposed to aid digestion. I wake up the next morning feeling sick and having stomach upset. I will just invest more in fruits for now and get myself checked as well.

Thank you so much for sharing.

 5 months ago  

I also don’t eat vegetable soup but I try to cover up with other vegetables like tomatoes and carrots too.

Thank you so much for stopping by☺️

 5 months ago  

I didn't know the importance of vegetables until I turned an adult. I started taking vegetables serious after reading so many health related articles. It's health benefits can't be overemphasized, they are really nutritional.

 5 months ago  

Thank you so much, I am glad you can relate to this

One thing I learnt is that too many Nigerians eat hardly any vegetables. Here we get told to eat five a day, whether it is fruit or vegetables. There you do have more fruit and less vegetables than us.

But my B with the 5 e's fainting! And you are a foodie ... hmm I am thinking now!

 5 months ago  

Yes we have more fruits here.

I wasn’t a foodie in high school but right now I am a foodie 😂😂

Vegetables are good for the health.
And I am glad you know the importance.

 5 months ago  

Thank you☺️

You are welcome

love finding others that enjoy fresh healthy vegetables, too

 5 months ago  

Oh thank you☺️☺️