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RE: DAY 1: Focus And Balance

in Hive Learners2 years ago

I've always wanted to learn how to ride the bicycle since I was a little girl, but after many attempts,I give up and told myself it wasn't for me. I still wish I can ride now sha😒😒

And I did learn one or two from your story - ALWAYS LOOK UP AND NEVER LOOK DOWN.
This is something we should apply in daily lives too.

Also I feel that, maybe if you had summoned courage then, and told your parents how much you really wanted a Bibycle, maybe you would have gotten one much earlier.

Anyways it's a good thing you tried it out yesterday, keep learning and don't stop riding, one day you might just be an expert.

I enjoyed reading your story dear.
Have a lovely new week.

 2 years ago  

Thank you so much dear.
I really wish to get better at it.

I understand the fear, but I did really listen to my coaches and not look down and it's nice how you applied it to our lives.
Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such awesome comment.

 2 years ago  

You are welcome dearie☺🥰🥰